Versões comparadas


  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.

When adding a sales order, the system performs a number of verifications before saving it. It checks whether the order is ready for releases of order, credit and inventory, up to the generation of outbound document.

When the parameter MV_CNPEDVE is enabled (set to .T.), you can add an order and associate it with a contract, making all measurement process automatic, through sales order data. However, you must have a sales contract registered without authority control, and this contract must be effective. For that purpose,select the field Customer and press F9. Follow procedures described for the field.

You can check the order status through option Caption, available in the routine window.



Adding a sales order:

  1. In Sales Order, press F12 to configure routine parameters. The parameter screen is displayed.
  2. Configure them according to field help instructions.  
  3. Confirm and click Add. The add screen is displayed.
  4. Fill out data according to field help instructions.  
  5. This register is easy to fill out; however, you can refer to the topic Main Fields/Controls.
  6. Then, check fields and confirm the sales order inclusion.

Image AddedNote:

A Discount Value can be defined for products through the Discount Rules routine. The value defined is applied to the Sales Order, and it is viewed in the order footer.


See Also

  • Associating sales orders with SIGAPMS Projects
  • Outbound Document
  • Discount Rules
