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  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.


The outbound documents are used to conclude the dispatch process of goods and/or services provided, that is, it generates different documents, such as invoice, price complement, ICMS complement, IPI complement, return of purchases and processing, according to Sales Order.

To print outbound documents, the sale orders must be released by the routine Customer Credit Analysis and by the stock availability of sold products, using routine Stock Release.

If quantity released in sale order is entered, the system does not check stock and orders are released according to defined quantities.

From the moment that orders are available by credit and stock analysis, the outbound document can be generated.

The system runs the following procedures when generating an outbound document:

  • Calculation of due dates according to payment terms;
  • Tax calculation (IPI, ICMS and variations and other taxes);
  • Calculation of total and unitary prices, considering discounts and readjustments;
  • Update of trade notes portfolio, implementing generated bills;
  • Update stock balances;
  • Update sale orders;
  • Save items in the Sales Flow File to later on issue statistics, tax files, costs assessment and accounting entries;
  • Update customer financial data;
  • Calculation of commission from data found in the Sales Representatives Register and Sales Orders;
  • Accounting;
  • Tax Books Bookkeeping.

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The parameter MV_DCSSPD defines the types of series of Outbound Documents generated in F100-block of SPED PIS/COFINS. If the parameter is blank, no outbound document is generated in Invoicing module.

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The Conversion Ref. Dt. screen parameter allows choosing the reference date for converting the currency used in the sales order, outbound document and telesales. In this case, you must enter a date different from the base date, and having currency 2 rate in the currency register.



Generating the outbound document:

1. In Outbound Document, the routine parameters are displayed.

2. Parameters of this routine are self-explanatory filled out, however the following information must be noticed:

Filtering already issued?

Enter Yes for the system to select the orders that already issued tax invoice, displaying only those not invoiced yet. When filled out with No, the system brings all orders, even if already invoiced and with blockage.

Reverse in Release?

When you need to reverse the sale order release, you can carry out through routine Tax Invoice Development. If Positioned is informed during the reversal, the system displays a confirmation warning regarding the reversal of the order where the pointer is positioned. If Marked is informed, the reversal is made from the order selected.IF V12

The question Groupers? requires the prior registration of aliases for tables Customers (SA1), Products (SB1), Sales Orders (SC5), Sales Orders Items (SC6) and TIO (SF4) to display them onscreen so you can select them as desired. Moreover, orders must be registered and released for invoicing.

The screen does not display groupers registered for other entities, separated by “;”. Query the Invoicing Rules topic.

Image AddedNote:

The configuration condition of the parameters described below allows you to select orders with a limit date, thus you can select those that can issue the Invoice issued:

Fetch Marked Order? Enter Yes,

Query Orders with Limit Date the content entered as Active allows you to select the orders with the limit date, thus the customer can issue the invoices.

Orders with valid limit dates are invoiced and those overdue are not invoiced.

Image AddedImportant:

The selection in parameter Consider Orders with Limit Date? as Active/Overdue enables the option Inv.Overdue in Other Actions, so you can select more orders not yet marked.

3. Configure and confirm parameters.

The order maintenance window is displayed according to the configuration.

4. Place the pointer on the desired orders and double-click to select them.

5. Then select Documents.

6. The system displays new parameters.

7. Configure and confirm them.

The parameter Group Equal Orders configured with S is disregarded when there are differences between order types, readjustment formulas, payment terms or type-9, carriers and sellers.

The parameter Conver. Ref. Dt. enables you to choose the reference date to convert the currency used in Sales Order, Outbound Document and Telesales service, according to the "ORDINANCE No. 25 OF 11/27/2008 FOREIGN TRADE DEPARTMENT - SECEX PUBLISHED IN DOU ON PAGE 00236 ON 11/28/2008".

8. Then, the system displays a screen to define the invoice Number and Series.

9. If there is need to change, click the desired number and reenter it.

10. Check the numbers and confirm.

The routine description screen is displayed. Read carefully and confirm.

11. In this moment, tax invoices were generated and are available for printing.

Image AddedImportant:

  • Once the sale order was invoiced, it cannot be edited or deleted. If there is need, the sale tax invoice must be canceled and the order must be released again. The procedure is the same to change and correct a sale order already invoiced.
  • Use parameter MV_TPNFISS to enter types of documents to which ISS is calculated, due to the class used.
  • After generating the Outbound Document, through Apportionment option, you can observe that the apportionment of Sale Order items were carried for the Outbound Document.


Integration with Easy Export Control Module

To generate the Invoice with integration with the EEC module:

  1. Prepare Invoice according to standard procedures.
  2. Click View Documents.
  3. Check the data and confirm.
  4. Return to Easy Export Control module.

Image AddedImportant:

To generate the Outbound Invoice, fill out the fields Exchange Rate and Exchange Ref. Dt. when placing the Sales Order.


Exemption of Payroll

For companies that have revenues on the activities benefited by Law No. 12,546/2011 and also have revenues on activities not benefited by it, the calculation of employer social security contribution is proportional and companies must collect a portion of the contribution calculated on the revenue and other calculated on the total payroll.

For this, we use the field Rev. Coll. of the parameter 14 - Company Charges. It defines whether the company makes the payment of social security contributions calculated on the revenue or just make the payment of social security contributions calculated on the total payroll. For customers who also have the Invoicing module, it uses the fields Activ. Code and Employer INSS from Table SB5 - Additional Product Data. The first field defines the activity code of the product as registered in the table CG1 - Social Security Contribution and the second field defines if the product pays Employer INSS.

The parameters MV_CFAREC and MV_CFEREC are used to inform the CFOP's (Tax Codes for Operations and Services) that are part of processing the total value to calculate Employer INSS.

You can add more CFOP through parameter MV_CFAREC or delete CFOP through parameter MV_CFEREC.

When processing, the invoice having the national operation CFOP considered as revenue and the field Employer INSS filled out as Yes is part of the processing of the total amount to calculate Employer INSS.

CFOP's considered by the system as default:

  • State: 5101, 5102, 5103, 5104, 5105, 5106, 5109, 5110, 5111, 5112, 5113, 5114, 5115, 5116, 5117, 5118, 5119, 5120, 5122, 5123, 5124, 5125, 5251, 5525, 5253, 5254, 5255, 5256, 5257, 5301, 5302, 5303, 5304, 5305, 5306, 5307, 5351, 5352, 5353, 5354, 5305, 5306, 5307, 5351, 5352, 5353, 5354, 5355, 5356, 5357, 5359, 5401, 5402, 5403, 5405, 5651, 5652, 5653, 5654, 5655 and 5656.
  • Interstate: 6101, 6102, 6103, 6104, 6105, 6106, 6107, 6108, 6109, 6110, 6111, 6112, 6113, 6114, 6115, 6116, 6117, 6118, 6119, 6120, 6122, 6123, 6124, 6125, 6251, 6252, 6253, 6254, 6255, 6256, 6257, 6258, 6301, 6302, 6303, 6304, 6305, 6306, 6307, 6351, 6352, 6353, 6354, 6355, 6356, 6357, 6359, 6401, 6402, 6403, 6404, 6501, 6502, 6651, 6652, 6653, 6654, 6655 and 6656.

Details about the features of the module Personnel Management attributed to the Exemption of Payroll can be found at:

  • Exclusive Parameters - Personnel Management: presents parameter 14 - Company Charges and configuration options of field Inv.
  • Table Definition: updates the structure of table S033 - Monthly Invoicing.
  • Table Maintenance: allows viewing current records.
  • PIS DARF: offers the option of Social Security Contribution DARF and the following fields must be considered:

Effective Month/Year: period for searching the table S033 - Monthly Invoicing.

Check Invoicing?: If configured as Yes, it performs calculation of the amounts of the Outflow Invoices of the selected period, saving of the invoicing calculation and contribution to collect. If No, the form is generated for branches which contain data in table S033 - Monthly Invoicing.

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When running the routine for calculating the Employer INSS, in Personnel Management module, and the parameter defines that the processing should be generated by integrating with Invoicing, the Effective Month/Year is checked and the system process from the first to the last day and returns the gross revenue total, grouped according to the product activity code.

  • Payroll Calculation.
  • Payroll Report: when the field Print Branch Total? is set to Yes, the total of events for each branch calculated is printed.


See Also

To check the Outbound Documents refer to:

  • Check Outbound Invoice
  • Invoice List Report
  • Export Orders
  • State Fund to Fight and Eradicate Poverty of the State of Rio Grande do Norte - FECOP-RN
  • Fund to Eradicate Misery and Fight Poverty - FECP-MG
  • Calculation of Contribution to SENAR - Local Service of Agricultural Learning
  • Delivery Schedule