Versões comparadas


  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.


In this routine, the following data are entered: Payment Term, Contact, Unit Price, Price List, Item Total, Delivery Deadline, Branch for Delivery, IPI Rate, ICMS Rate, Freight Value, Due Date, Discounts, Insurance Value, Budget Number, Cash Price, Financing Rate, etc.

Help_buttonImage ModifiedTip:

Check Flow of the Purchase Process with Quotation.


Update of Quotation in the Environment


  1. Every training must be registered as a product, and its code will be listed later in the Course Register.
  2. Every entity must be registered as a supplier, listing its code in the Entity Register.
  3. In Training Calendar, through the field Planning, the calendar is updated with planning information, in which data concerning the supplier and the training cost are displayed if a purchase order was generated.

Help_buttonImage ModifiedImportant:

Note that quotation records are filtered. Thus, when the quotation is used for the Training, only records of this environment is displayed, and vice versa.



Updating quotations:
