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  • Bank Transactions - Peru (FINA100 - SIGAFIN)

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The field Incidence of IFT (CALCITF) upon Classes Register, determines whether the entry must calculate the ITF or not.


Image ModifiedImportant:

  • The ITF entry amount must always be greater or equal to a never smaller sol. In case the entry is smaller than 1 sol, the system does not execute the entry.
  • In transfers between bank accounts of different holders, there is ITF incidence.
  • The receipt of loans granted by financial institutions have ITF incidence.
  • When a loan contract is added, the system generates an ITF transaction, due to the inflow transaction generated in the bank account of the company.




Defines the percentage for tax calculation. For the fiscal year of 2009, the 0.06% value must be considered; however, this parameter may be changed to address the different percentages of each fiscal year.


It also indicates the class of the ITF tax bond, generated by the routine Annual ITF Calculation, on the clearance operations between portfolios at the end of the fiscal year.


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In reversals of transactions with ITF incidence, the system always requests confirmation to reverse the ITF entry or not. This is necessary because the fee is not officially debited from the account of the company if the transaction has not yet arrived at the bank. In case the bank transaction is already executed by the bank of the company, the fee is not reversed.

Payments made through Peruvian bank accounts, even those made with currencies other than the sol, have ITF incidence.