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VAT Plan
a configuration is made to determine the tax rate: table of tax exceptions.

After making these configurations, when an inflow or outflow invoice uses TIO created with  VAT Calculation, the tax is calculated. In case of VAT withholding, when the bill receivable or payable generated is paid through the Financials module, the value is withheld.


Configuring a VAT Plan:

  1. The following fields must be filled out:
  • Fee: enter the fee to be applied to combine taxation region (customers and suppliers) and taxation group (products and services);
  • Description: description to identify the VAT plan made;
  • Tax Code: enter the tax code to be calculated.

Concerning VAT, configurations for all types of VAT to be calculated must exist:

  • VAT: for goods and services;
  • IVF: for freight entered in the invoice;
  • IVS: for insurance entered in the invoice;
  • IVD: for taxed expenses entered in the invoice;
  • IVT: for value of tare entered in the invoice.

Concerning other taxes, just enter the code according to the Variable Taxes register.


