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  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.


To register freight cost:

1. In Freight Cost, select option Add.

The Freight Cost window comes up.

2. Fill out data according to help instructions.

3. Observe the following fields:


Code of freight cost tariff. This code is retrieved from the freight reference amount table.

Delivery Distance

Delivery distance, in kilometers.

Freight Amount

Amount of freight cost

Amount Type:

Defines how freight cost is calculated, with the following fill out options:

1 – Tone: The amount results from the multiplication of order gross weight (converted in tones) by the amount entered in the field Freight Amount;

2 – Weight: The amount of fright cost results from the multiplication of order gross weight  by the amount entered in the field Freight Amount;

3 – Fixed Amount: It corresponds to the freight cost amount entered in the field Freight Amount, regardless of order gross weight.

4 - Fill out data and confirm it.