Versões comparadas


  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.

This registration defines the value ranges to be compared  to value ranges from the Suspect or Prospect file, according to the rule type chosen. It also defines and keeps the position of the sales representative in the rotation line.

A rule should be registered for each sales representative in line.

The sales representative not found in this file does not get in the line and gets eliminated from the rotation process.

The sales representative gets the last place in line when registered.


To register a Rotation Rule:

1. In Registration/Scenario of Sales/Rotation Rules, click Add.

The system displays add screen.

2. Register the sales representative and respective rules.

3. Fill in the data according to help instructions.

4. Confirm it.

If field Accounts is selected, the following resources come up:

Sales Representative - checks if the number of accounts of sales representative has reached the limit and will be interrupted.

Subordinated - checks if the number of accounts of subordinated has reached the limit and the sales representative/sales manager will be interrupted.

Both - checks if the number of accounts of sales representative added to the subordinated has reached the limit and the sales representative/sales manager will be interrupted.


  • Every active sales representative must have a file in this window with one or more rules. Thus, the sales representative Prospects or Suspects are established according to the configuration of rules created, or any type of data range since that previously selected in the rule type file.
  • The rotation is activated through the Qualification of suspect.