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  • Five Steps for Implementation (SPEDNFE - SIGAFIS)

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Step 1- Obtainment of Digital Certificate Model A1

1. SEFAZ NF-e requires digital signature, according to the Taxpayer Integration Manual. This certification can be obtained in several companies accredited by the federal government, know as Certifying Authorities - AC or, often, by accreditation of company at SEFAZ of origin. The digital certification provided by SEFAZ, makes possible the NFe application only in homologation environment, requiring later the acquisition of digital certification in an AC facility.

2. Once the digital certification is obtained, request SEFAZ of origin to enable the NF-e. Each SEFAZ adopts a different procedure for this action, thus, contact SEFAZ of your state for further details.


The digital certificate used in the NF-e signature is your digital identity, thus, all possible cares must be taken to preserve your safety. Remind that it is possible to hold two digital certificates, one for communication with SEFAZ and other for the signature. These certificates can be generated as testing during the implementation (homologation) stages, if SEFAZ of origin provides a digital certificate for this purpose.

How to obtain the Digital Certificate

To obtain the Digital Certificate Model A1, go to one of accredited companies (Accredited Authorities) and present the following documents:

Company Documents (original or authenticated copy)

Proof of enrollment in the Legal Entity Tax Enrollment Number (CNPJ). Usually, it is only necessary to obtain the digital certificate for Central Office, however, look for further information in the Revenue Department. If a digital certificate is required for the branch, its purpose is only to sign invoices of this branch. However, the communication can be done with the Central Office certificate, once the registration is done in the Revenue Department.

Regarding business or civil partnerships: Articles of organization or articles of incorporation in effect, properly registered and, in case of publicly held corporation, documents of election of current administrators;

If it is an individual company: Request made by business owner with seal of State Registry of Commerce granting registration.

Image AddedAttention:

If Articles of organization or articles of incorporation or document equivalent states that the Legal Representative enrolled in the Federal Revenue Department responsible for the CNPJ in not enabled to represent the company individually, it is necessary that an enough number of Legal Representatives show up in person, along with proper documents, to represent the company in the validation process.

Documents of Legal Representatives (Original)

Picture (3X4) recent; ***

Identity Card or passport (if foreigner);**

Individual Tax Enrollment Number – CPF;

Address proof, three months old maximum;

Polling Card (Optional);

PIS-Pasep (Optional).

Documentation of the one responsible for the Certification - Responsible for the Legal Entity Taxpayer Number -CNPJ before SRF (Originals)

Picture (3X4) recent; ***

Identity Card or passport (if foreigner);**

Individual Taxpayer Enrollment Number – CPF;

Address proof, three months old maximum;

Polling Card (Optional);

PIS-Pasep (Optional).

** Identity card are documents instituted by law, with picture and valid in national territory, such as: ID card emitted by Public Safety National Division, Drivers license, employee card.

*** The picture is waved if ID document presented is emitted, the most, five years from the date of your visit to one of the stations, with color picture.


Image AddedAttention:

According to ICP-Brazil rules, policy that regulates digital certificate in Brazil, the responsible for the Legal Entity Taxpayer Number (CNPJ) before the Revenue Federal Services is (SRF) is the only one that can show up in person for the validation to retrieve the certificate and sign Responsibility Term, and this validation cannot be done by power of attorney or agent.

The Legal Entity Taxpayer Number (CNPJ) or Certifying Authority can be emitted only before presentation of legal representatives documents and CNPJ responsible person, and after visit to one of the Servicing Stations.

Documentation presented must be original. Authenticated copies are accepted only for company documentation;

For each original document, bring also a simple copy (Xerox), which will be held by the Certifying Authority.


Step 2 - Initial Tests

1. Before start the NF-E transmission for SEFAZ of origin, it is important to check if system has conditions to generate all information necessary for layout of chosen NF-E. For such, remember to review the following files:

  • Customers File and Suppliers – Check if all valid customers/suppliers have fields properly filled out: CNPJ/CPF, State Tax Enrollment Number, IBGE city code and address (street, Zip Code, neighborhood, city, and State).

In case of mistaken transmission of information, SEFAZ NF-e can be denied for in the transmission for Totvs Services SPED (XML scheme failure) or at SEFAZ (IE and/or invalid CNPJ/CPF). For NFe distribution, according to standards established by SEFAZ, the field EMAIL must be filled out. Besides verification, it is important to ensure that fields for new customers are filled out.       

  • Carriers File – if a carrier is entered in the sales order header and the field E-mail is filled out with a valid address, an invoice e-mail is transferred.

Image AddedImportant:

As to the standardization of filling the Address, for addresses abroad (other countries), follow the standard: <Number of the residence> <complement>, <Address>


The separation of the residence number must be compulsorily performed through the character“,” (comma).

The comma "," must occur after the complement of addresses abroad. Check:


  • Companies File – Check if the following information is properly filled out: CNPJ, State Tax Enrollment, IBGE city code ( The state code is required in this file) NIRE, date in the companies file, and address (street, ZIP Code, Neighborhood, City, and State). In case of mistaken transmission of information, SEFAZ NF-e can be denied in the transmission for TOTVS® Service SPED (XML scheme failure) or at SEFAZ (IE and/or invalid CNPJ/CPF).
  • Product File – Check if field Origin Code is filled out properly for all valid products and if bar code is valid for EAN codification, if not, there are two options:

a) the first option is to change all product file entering an EAN code or remove barcode.

b) second option is change XML generation script of NFe so this field is not processed.

  • Types of Inflow and Outflow File – Check the proper completion of information: ICM Tax Sit., IPI Tax Code, PIS Tax Sit. and COF tax Sit. Remind that fill out codes are found in the taxpayer integration manual.
  • For sales made using the interface Assisted Sale of SIGALOJA module, the types of bills receivables considered as Invoicing must be identified, that is, with same concept of Invoice type emitted by Invoicing. For this, the parameter MV_LJTPNFE must be created and configured in theConfiguration




  • Specifically for SEFAZ NF-e, the fields mentioned must be changed for "required use" in the Configuration environment, option Database/Dictionary/Database.
  • Give special attention to information on TIO tax status, they point out how the system performed the calculation and bookkeeping of taxes found in the NF-e and need to be filled out even when operation does not have tax calculation nor bookkeeping. The table CD2 - tax digital book (SPED) was created for the NF-e, which describes the calculation memory of system for each one of taxes, this table is updated with tables SF3 and SFT, thus, in case it is mistakenly filled out, the NF-e must be canceled and generated again, so alterations are applied. For now, fields PIS Tax Status and COF Tax Status do not have validation, as tax authorities have not yet published the valid codes table, thus, always check the taxpayer manual of your NF-e layout version and add codes used by your company in the user validation.
  • The authorization of a electronic invoice can be obtained regardless if information requested by it are correctly sent. Thus, for information security purposes, the implementation of the following modules is recommended:

a) SIGACOM - Purchases (Material Receiving);

b) SIGAFIS - Tax Books (Bookkeeping of Tax Books - P1/P1A/P2/P2A/P8/P9);

c) SIGAFAT - Invoicing (Orders Processing);

d) DCL Template - only for fuel distributors.

  • The Address field (address) is treated by the system considering the following typing aspects:
  • If the system finds a comma, it considers as street all text previous to the comma. As number, the first event after the comma and as complement, the second event.


     Address: Avenida Braz Leme, 1671 1st Floor

     For the address above: the address is Avenida Braz Leme, number is 1671, and complement is 1st Floor.

  • If there is no comma after the address, the system automatically fills out "no number" in the number space.


     Address: Avenida Braz Leme, No Number

     For the address above: address is Avenida Braz Leme, number is 1671, and complement is 1st Floor.

2. Parallel to the files review, gather customized information found in the print out of invoice model 1/1A and analyze which of them need to be transferred for NF-e. Remember that print out customization can and must be disregarded, focus only to customization of information. Next step is to fully study the layout of your NF-e version and find which tag is best to enter your information. Observe that in some NF-e layout versions, the entry of new tags is not allowed and in others, there is a proper place to enter them. Usually, only information of invoice messages need customization, once that for NF-e, tax authorities separated the complementary information in two modalities: Information of interest to customer and tax authority. Postpone alteration of Rdmake NfeSefaz for project's next stage.

3. Follow installation procedures found in this technical bulletin.

4. Do not use special characters (Examples: <, >, *, &, º, etc.) in description fields (Examples: Address, Product Description, Additional Information, etc), as communication to SEFAZ is made through exchange of messages in XML language, these characters are reserved for use of the programming language and, if used, can result in error while invoices are transmitted.

5. Then, try to send the electronic invoices in the homologation environment, randomly, and see the result.

6. In case of inconsistencies, review previous items and make sure these information are entered, in the table registering process, in case of new entries.

7. In module SIGALOJA, only Invoices issued by interface Assisted Sale are applied for NF-e SEFAZ and, as premise, the procedure described in the Outflow Tax Records Bookkeeping, available in Customer Portal, must be applied. The invoice is presented in SEFAZ e-invoice and also in SIGALOJA Return routine.


Step 3 - Errors transmission testTransmission Test

1. In this stage, we suggest the simulation of real situations of non-conformities in the NF-e. The intention of this state is prepare the invoicing operators for all situations that may occur daily. Analyze the taxpayer or homologation manual of your Revenue Department to prepare testing schedule with error message codes that can be simulated.

2. Check if Rdmake NfeSefaz.prw has been already changed and available for testing.

3. Simulation of testing.

4. Convene key-users and train them to perform testing.

5. Consider this stage as concluded, after performing the following tests:

  • Ineffective SEFAZ Testing;
  • Testing on loss of connection with SEFAZ;
  • Testing on loss of communication environment with SEFAZ. – Totvs Services SPED. Make sure to have a procedure to quickly replace the whole environment, considering hardware and software;
  • Tests on expiration of communication and signature Digital Certificate.
  • Errors tests in files reviewed in previous item.
