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RIEX - Registration of Export Information

This routine generates de document in XML format referring to the RIEX – Registration of Export Information, to electronically get the invoice approval referring to the following operations:

  • 1 - outflow of goods to be shipped from this state to another country;
  • 2 – outflow of goods to be shipped from another state to another country;
  • 3 – shipment of goods to export, with destination to location indicated in item 1 of paragraph 1, article 7 of ICMS Regulation, approved by Decree no. 45.490, dated from November 30th 2000, in another state.


  • Used only by taxpayers with integration with Export module (SIGAEEC - Easy Export Control).
  • The system generates the XML document in accordance with specifications of the layout of item “1 – outflow of goods to be shipped from this state to another country (direct export),” since the Export environment does not handle indirect export.


To whom it is applicable


·    Direct Exporters from São Paulo state;

·    Indirect Exports from São Paulo state (tradings);

·    Senders from the state of São Paulo to indirect exporters (tradings) not located in the state of SP.




To obtain on line approval in the export and in the shipment of goods specific to export.


Delivery Term


Outflow of merchandise to be shipped.




State - São Paulo


Application provided by tax authorities


RIEX – System of Registration of Export Information (On line)


Version of the application compatible with Microsiga Protheus®


It does not exist.


Where to find the application provided by tax authorities



Legislation contemplated


Administrative Rule CAT 50, of 06-21-2005 - DOE 06-22-2005, with changes of Administrative rule CAT 72/2005.

Additional Information

1. Check if tables of Unit of Measurement (SAH) and Countries (SYA) are registered according to tables 5 and 6 of RIEX User Guide.

Generating RIEX

1. In Normative Instructions, the routine parameter screen is displayed.

2. Click Parameters.

The system displays the routine's parameter screen.

3. Fill in the information as shown below:

Start Date?

Do not enter this parameter.

End Date?

Do not enter this parameter.


Parameters Initial Date and Final Date must not be informed, as the system generates the XML document running a filter by invoice number. This number is displayed in the configuration screen of RIEX specific parameters.

Normative Instruction?

Enter the configuration file name, without the ".INI" extension.

For this magnetic media, enter the RIEX.

Target File?

Enter the destination file name where the information is generated.

Example: RIEX.XML

Destination Directory?

Indicate the directory name where the text file generated from the calculation is saved.

Example: C:\XML\

Select Branches?

Indicate if the branches to be processed are selected. When entering No, only the current branch is considered; when selecting Yes, the system displays a screen in which you must select branches to be considered.

4. A new screen is displayed with RIEX - BH specific parameters.

From Tax Date?

Enter initial number of export Invoice for processing.

Example: 000001

To Tax Date?

Enter initial number of export Invoice for processing.

Example: 000001

5. Check data and confirm them.
