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  • Generating DIOPS (MATA950 - SIGAFAT)

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Generating DIOPS (MATA950 - SIGAFIS)
Generating DIOPS (MATA950 - SIGAFIS)


Image RemovedTip:

For specific information about the generation of DIOPS for the Health Plan system, see the item Diops Script - Health Plan.


1. In Management Accounting module, to generate the DIOPS you must first create a management view including a profit vision and a loss vision (as the standard of ANS).

2. In Accounting Settings, book settings, add a Profit and Loss Book (Book LP).


Image RemovedNotes:

The definition of the name of the book and the code assigned to it, belongs to the user.

3. Create another managerial view and add the Cash Flow book to it (as per ANS standard).

4. In Accounting Settings, add a Cash Flow Book.


Image RemovedNotes:

The definition of the name of the book and the code assigned to it, belongs to the user.

5. To generate the file (.xml), access the module Health Plan, option Miscellaneous / ANS / Diops.

6. Fill out the fields below:

  • Normative Instr?:

DIOPSFTR for QUARTERLY Financial / Accounting Diops,

DIOPSFMS for MONTHLY Financial / Accounting Diops

DIOPSCAD for Registration.


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The .INI and .CVE file must be saved in the installation System folder so the system can find them.

  • Destination File?:

Enter a name with .XML extension.

  • Directory?:

Indicate where the file will be saved, separated by a \ (backslash).

7. Click OK to confirm the parameters screen.

8. The system returns to the home of Normative Instructions, click OK to confirm.

9. The parameters screen is displayed.

  • Enter the quarter (Start and End date) and the operator, noting that without this information the file is not generated correctly.

10. Click OK to confirm.

11. The system starts generating the file FINANCEIRO.XML in the specified folder.