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This routine enables the file generation for importing DSTA – Statement of Tax Replacement of the Automotive Sector. The program available in the system serves uniquely the information referred to invoices about goods that entered the establishment or left it.


To whom it is applicable


Corporate, industry or market-equalized establishments which:

I - fit in the Special System of Tax Replacement Applicable to Automotive Sector, in the substitute or substituted condition, according to the articles 11 and 12 from Normative Instruction SRF n. 113, from September 14, 1999, regardless existing or not invoices transactions from the period in which they were maintained under this System, or reference period (quarter/year);

II - issue the specified products, according to Caput of art. 5, Law 9,826 dated August 23rd, 1999.




To present to IRS the transactions performed with goods that entered the establishment or left it, according to the invoices.






Delivery Term


Quarterly and must be delivered to IRS Secretariat via Internet, by using Receitanet program, up to the last working day subsequent to the civil quarter of the generated facts occurrence.


Application provided by tax authorities




Version of the application compatible with Microsiga Protheus®




Where to find it


Types of Records Created

Record type 0 - Company Identification

For Record Type 0, the information is generated according to data saved in SIGAMAT.EMP and the filling of routine parameters.

Record type 1 – Purchasing Invoices

For Record Type 1, the information is saved according to data saved in the files of Inflow Invoices, Product Register, Measurement Units Register, Customer Register and Supplier Register.

Record type 2 – Sales Invoices

The information is generated according to data saved in the files of Inflow Invoices, Product Register, Measurement Units Register, Customer Register and Supplier Register.

Record type 9 – File totalizer

It includes the total amount of records saved in the pre-formatted file.
