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Normative Instructions (MATA950 - SIGAFIS)
Normative Instructions (MATA950 - SIGAFIS)

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This routine generates pre-formatted files of fiscal entries to be delivered to the IRS secretariats, meeting the layout of Normative Instructions, Tax Payment Forms and Statements.

The routine must be executed in single user mode.


Image RemovedTip:

Due to the ongoing changes in legislation, we advise you to always check the technical bulletins available in Customer Portal.

The magnetic media available are listed as:

  • Federal magnetic media
  • State magnetic media
  • City magnetic media

To find the magnetic medium that meets your needs, browse through the help left side.


Image RemovedImportant:

Specially for GISS On-Line, documentation is located within the City of São Paulo, although other cities also use this magnetic medium.
