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Comentário: Atualizada para considerar a release 1,6,5


We can define the holidays by location, registering a location for a given date. For information on how to register a location, see the Locations documentation.



01. Select  In the Control Panel feature from the main menu.

02. Go to the General tab.

03. Click the Holidays option.

04. Click Add.

main menu, click Control Panel, then check People container and click Holidays.

02. Click Add.

0305. Enter a description for the holiday.

0604. Select the holiday date.

0705. Select it if it is a recurring holiday.


Recurring holiday means the holiday occurs every year, such as Christmas. If the Recurring field is not selected, this means the holiday does not occur every year, such as the 50th birthday of the company. 

0806. Select it if it is a global holiday.

0907. Define the Location.

1008. Click Save.

Edit Holiday


01. Select the Holiday to be edited.


titlePlease note!

This documentation is valid as of update 1.6.25 - Liquid. Previous updates may contain different information than what you see on your platform.