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  • Accounting with grouped history – 23588

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Accounting with grouped history


In accounting with grouped history, the system makes an assessment as to which history it will use.

For this evaluation, the routine uses the MV_AGLHIST parameter (if it groups the histories ( default .F. )), if the parameter is set to .T., the routine will consider the history in the search rule, otherwise it will use the first history it finds.

Besides the history search rule, the routine evaluates the use of the grouped history. This evaluation is done based on the information that the user entered in the standard entry (CT5) in the grouped history fields. If this is empty, the routine groups the histories stored in the counterproof files (CTK); otherwise, it uses the value of the field (CT5), ignoring the histories in the counterproof file.

The rule for using the grouped histories is:

If !Empty(CT5->CT5_HAGLUT)                                                                                /// AND THE GROUPED HISTORY IS FILLED IN#IFDEF IN

#IFDEF TOP                                                                                                      /// if it is top connect

                                connect                                If TcSrvType() <> "AS/400"                                                       /// IN TOP ENVIRONMENT <> AS/400                                               400

                                               If Empty(TMP->CT2_HIST)                                        /// IF THE TMP HISTORY IS EMPTY

                                                              EMPTY                                                              lGravaHAglut   := .T.                                     /// BUILD GROUPED HISTORY

                                                              HISTORY                                                              lGravaHist         := .T.


                                                                                      Else                                                                                      /// IF THE TMP HISTORY IS FILLED IN

                                                              IN                                                              lGravaHAglut   := .F.                                     /// SAVE HISTORY CONTINUATIONS FROM CTK_HAGLUT/CTK_HIST (TOP)

                                                              lGravaHist         := .T.                                               EndIf                               Else                #ENDIF                               




                                If lCTKHAGLUT                                                                               /// VERIFICATION VARIABLE FOR THE FIELD CTK_HAGLUT

                                               HAGLUT                                               lGravaHAglut   := .F.                                                     /// DOES NOT USE THE HISTORY GROUPING                                               GROUPING

                                               lGravaHist         := .T.                                                     /// USES THE REGULAR HISTORY                                HISTORY

                                Else                                                                                                      /// OTHERWISE

                                               OTHERWISE                                               lGravaHAglut   := .T.                                                     ///USES THE GROUPED HISTORY                                               HISTORY

                                               lGravaHist         := .T.                                                     /// USES THE REGULAR HISTORY


                #IFDEF TOP


                HISTORY                                EndIf                #IFDEF TOP                                EndIf                #ENDIFElseIf lSomaLinha                                                                                                        /// OTHERWISE 1ST RECORD GROUPING CODEBASE (TOP ALWAYS .T.)

                lGravaHist         := .T.

                lGravaHAglut   := .F.


It EndIfIt is recommended that, when using the agglutinated history field, you do not use public fields or variables from the system, as in these cases, when recording, the field or variable may be not positioned or without content, thus not generating the desired information. Pay attention to the fact that, in a grouped accounting, it does not necessarily have to be positioned in the record.