Páginas filhas
  • Postings Register (ATFA036 - SIGAATF)

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If parameter MV_AF30NDV is active (.T.), it allows enabling the CIAP control, with use of reason for posting 23-Return, which enables input in fields Invoice/Series/Return Invoice Item.

Image AddedTip:

  • Option Automatic enables the automatic posting of a batch.
  • Generic data regarding the posting must be entered, and items must be selected. Assets acquired until 12/31/1995 must be monetarily corrected.

Image AddedImportant:

  • Parameter MV_ATFBXDP allows posting assets that had no transactions in the month previous to the last depreciation calculation, such as assets of advance type, for example.

   Setting the parameter to either 0 or 1 both require that there be no transactions dated after the posting date.



To post an asset:


     This asset will have the characteristics below:

    • Asset classification equal to V - Expense Provision.
    • The annual depreciation rate is set to zero, because depreciation is always controlled in assets classified as Provision Budget.
    • APV type will be Total.
    • It will have APV data (type 14) in its balance and value information.
    • You must post Expense Provision files related to the Provision Budget file.

Posting of fixed asset files classified as Expense Provision


  1. In Fixed Asset (SIGAATF), access Posting, place the cursor on the asset of provision budget.
  2. Click option Cancel.
  3. Check and confirm the information displayed.
  4. After confirmation:
    • The file should have its posting cancelled.
    • All child assets will have their postings cancelled, as well as Expense Provision assets related to the asset at issue.
    • If a depreciation calculation existed at the time of posting, an asset file with asset classification of expense provision is deleted, if perchance it was generated.

Cancellation of posting of fixed asset files classified as Expense Provision
