Páginas filhas
  • ATFA036 - Data validation of form for asset posting and asset posting cancellation

Versões comparadas


  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.



Routine ATFA036 has an entry point for validating the data of the form for asset posting and asset posting cancellation.


Saving point of total validation of form (Form + grid).  It replaces the entry point AF030VBX of routine ATFA030.


/*/{Protheus.doc} ATFA036

Saving point of total validation of form (Form + grid) Replacing the entry point AF030VBX of routine ATFA030.

@author TOTVS @since 05/05/2014 @version 1.0 /*/ User Function ATFA036 Local aParam := PARAMIXB // Vector with parameters received by entry points of asset posting routine.

Local lRet := .T. // Return variable of entry points of asset posting routine. Local oObj := aParam[1] // Object of Data Model of asset posting routine. Local cIdPonto := aParam[2] // Identifier of entry point to be called through function ATFA036 of asset posting routine. Local cIdModel := IIf( oObj<> NIL, oObj:GetId(), aParam[3] ) // Identifier of Data Model of asset posting routine (ATFA036) Local cClasse := IIf( oObj<> NIL, oObj:ClassName(), '' ) // Name of class used in routine (FWFORMFIELD - Form, FWFORMGRID - Grid) Local nOperation := 0


  • Checking whether the data model is active for using data from the asset posting routine before running entry point procedures. */ If oObj != Nil .AND. oObj:IsActive() /*
  • Editing Mode in Routine (4-Posting, 5-Cancellation) */ nOperation := oObj:GetOperation()


  • Checking whether the Entry Point Identifier is Processed before the Saving of Data (Commit) */ If cIdPonto == "MODELPOS" /*
  • Saving of Posting */ If nOperation == MODEL_OPERATION_UPDATE

Help("" ,1, "MODELPOS",,"Entry Point Executed to validate after confirmation of form for saving the record of asset posting." ,1,0) lRet := .F. /*

  • Saving of Posting Cancellation */ ElseIf nOperation == MODEL_OPERATION_DELETE Help("" ,1, "MODELPOS",,"Entry Point Executed to validate after confirmation of form for saving the record of asset posting cancellation." ,1,0) lRet := .F. EndIf EndIf EndIf

Return lRet





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Logic Return (lRet := (.T./.F.) )

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