Institute of Agricultural Protection from the State of Mato Grosso

This routine generates the file of INDEA MT (Institute of Agricultural Protection from the state of Mato Grosso) in a magnetic media.

To whom it is applicable

Individuals or legal entities that produce, handle, import, export, sell, or provide services of pesticides, their components, and similar products. The registration of activities performed must be sent to the inspection service department according to models or automated systems defined by INDEA/MT.


Generates pre-formatted files to import INDEA in the state of Mato Grosso.


State - Mato Grosso

Delivery Term

There is no delivery term, but generation is monthly.

Application provided by tax authorities


Version of the application compatible with Microsiga Protheus®


Where to find it

Microsiga Protheus® system does not generate or control information concerning: Culture (Ministry), Application Methods, Plagues, and Package Types. Microsiga Protheus® system generates and controls information concerning: Units of Measurement, Cities (IBGE), Product Movement, Beginning Inventory, Purchase Transaction, Sales Transaction, Resale Customer, Resale Suppliers, Reference Month/Year, Sales Return, and Cancelled Sales.

Files Created

  • txt - Company Register
  • txt - Reference Month/Year - Delivery Receipt
  • txt - Unit of Measurement
  • txt - Cities (IBGE)
  • txt - Beginning Inventory
  • txt - Product Register - Product Resale
  • txt - Purchase Transaction - Purchase Resale
  • txt - Sales Transaction - Sales Resale
  • txt - Resale Customers
  • txt - Resale Suppliers
  • txt - Sales Return
  • txt - Cancelled Sales