Páginas filhas
  • Generating DES - Candeias BA (MATA950 - SIGAFIS)

1. In Tax Records module, option Miscellaneous/Magnetic Files/Normative Instructions, the routine parameters must be configured as follows:

Start Date? - Enter the initial date for processing the Normative Instruction.

End Date? - Enter the final date for processing the Normative Instruction.

Normative Instruction? - Enter the configuration file name without the .INI extension. For this magnetic medium, enter the DESCAN.

Target File? - There is no need to enter it. The routine automatically creates it in the specified format.

Target Directory? - Indicate the directory name where the text file generated from the calculation is saved.

Example: C:\TXT\

2. Check parameters and confirm them.

3. After configuration of the Normative Instructions routine general parameters, complete the DES specific data, through the following configuration assistants:

Record Identification Data

Company City Registration - Enter the taxpayer's municipal registration number.

File Purpose - Select the purpose of the file to be sent, that is, whether it is for:

  • I - Information on a period's data.
  • S - Substitution of a file of the same period.

Turnover Display - Select the transaction pointer in the calculation period, so that:

  • S - Indicates that services were provided in the period.
  • N - Indicates that services were not provided in the period.

Contract Display - Select the contracting pointer in the calculation period, so that:

  • S - Indicates that services were contracted in the period.
  • N - Indicates that services were not contracted in the period.

4. Check data and click Finish.

Useful Information

The implementation of the RECISS report data is advisable, to identify the ISS withheld in the inflow and outflow transactions.

The following fields must be correctly filled out to avoid errors while importing the created magnetic file.

  • Companies file (SIGAMAT.EMP)
  • Corporate Name
  • Delivery address

Note: a comma must separate the public area from the location number, and a space (“ “) must separate the address type.

Example: RUA DAS FLORES, 168.

  • Delivery address additional information
  • Delivery district
  • Delivery postal code
  • CNPJ
  • Telephone Number
  • FAX