Páginas filhas
  • ITBIS - Tax on the Transfer of Industrialized Goods and Services (MATA995 - SIGAFAT)


For this tax, the following procedure must be observed:

  • Customer/Supplier Register

Customer/Supplier RegisterCustomer/Supplier Register

  • Variable Tax Register:

Rate: 12%

  • Product File

If the product is exempt, the field Pay ITB must be filled out with No.


If there is tax exception for a certain taxation group , the group must be entered in the field Taxation Group in Customer/Supplier Register. Tax exception rate of customer/supplier or product (in this order) is applied.

If the State of the person is equal to the parameter MV_ESTADO, internal tax exception rate is used. Otherwise, external rate is used.

If there is no tax exception, tax rate is used.

See Also

  • Tax Exceptions