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Basic Path

01. Click on Social in the main menu.

02. Complete the “What would you like to share?” field.

A maximum of 600 characters can be used in the post.

03. Click on Post.

The post is shared according to the widget context definition created by the administrator. Below the text box in the posts, users can find with whom the posts created will be shared. 


Alternative Paths


Create post in Communities


01. Click on Communities in the main menu.

02. Find the community where the post will be created and access it.

03. In the Timeline tab, write the post in the “What would you like to share?” field.

A maximum of 600 characters can be used in the post.

Posting on a community timeline requires permission, which is defined by the administrator of the company or the community itself.

04. Click on the icon representing an image, video, or document to add any of these items to the post.

05. Select the desired item to compose the post, in accordance with the icon selected.

When clicking on the image or video icon, an image or video previously posted in the community can be selected or new images or videos can be added to the post. For documents, besides including a new document or selecting one from the community, it is also possible to select a document from document browsing to add to the post. 

06. Click on Post.

The post is shared only in the community; that is, all users that have access to the community’s contents may view the post.

Post documents in communities


01. In the community in which the document will be published, click on the Documents tab.

The Documents tab is only displayed if the community administrator or moderator enables it.
Upon accessing the Documents tab, a community-specific document browsing area is displayed. More information is available in Post documents in communities.


Post forms in communities


01. In the community in which the form will be published, click on the Forms tab.

 The Forms tab only appears if the community administrator or moderator enables it.
Upon clicking on the Forms tab, all actions available for forms in communities are displayed. More information is available in Post Forms in Communities.


Post articles in community


01. In the timeline of the community in which the article will be posted, press the Publish article icon, located on the right corner of the "What do you wish to share?” table.

02. In the window displayed, select the item to be published in community timeline.

03. Click Select.

04. Enter a text of up to 600 characters to post with the article on the community timeline.

05. Press Post.

To create a new article in the community, it is necessary to follow the steps outlined in Post articles in communities


View article posted in communities


01. In the community’s timeline, find the article publication being viewed.

02. Click on View more, located in the table corresponding to the article publication.

03. View the entire article content.

You can also view the complete content of an article in the Articles of the community. More information is available in Post Articles in Communities


Post videos in community


01. In the community in which the video will be published, click on the Videos tab. Learn More


 The Videos tab will only appear if the community administrator or moderator enables it.
Upon clicking the Videos tab, all actions available for videos in communities are displayed. More information is available in Post Videos in Communities.


Post images in community


01. In the community in which the image is published, click on the Images tab.

The Images tab is only displayed if the community administrator or moderator enables it.
Upon clicking the Images tab, all actions available for images and pictures in communities are displayed. More information is available in Post Images in Communities



Speaking of Posting...

Posts can be created in the timeline or in communities.

In communities, in addition to timeline posts, users can post documents, pictures, images, videos, forms, and articles.


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