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Speaking of Scale/value questions ...

Scale or value questions have a number as the correct answer, which must be entered or selected from a scale of values.

  • Scale: a scale is shown containing several values, one of which is the correct answer to the question;
  • Value: a field is shown for students to enter the correct value as the answer to the question.



Expand/hide additional information.

Basic Path


01. In the General information tab, enter the required information for the scale/value question.

The requested information is:

Language of the scale/value question. To add a new language, simply click New and select the desired scale/value question language.

Set as default language
When checked, this option determines that the selected language will be the default scale/value question language.

Title of the scale/value question.

Question wording.

02. In Available images, click Send image to add an image to the question.

03. In the Upload window, press Select file.

04. Locate and select the desired image.

05. Select Send.

More than one image can be added to the question. 

06. Configure the image displayed in the question.

The image display size in the question can be edited.

To add the image to the question text, click Add image to the text

07. Enter the remaining scale/value question information required.

The requested information is:

Viewing format
Question’s presentation form in the evaluation. Available options:

  • Scale: When selected, this option specifies that the value corresponding to the question’s answer must be selected from the displayed scale.
  • Value: When selected, this option specifies that the value corresponding to the question’s answer must be entered in the displayed field.

Level of difficulty of the question. The difficulty of questions is defined as:

  • 1 - Very easy;
  • 2 - Easy;
  • 3 - Medium;
  • 4 - Hard;
  • 5 - Very hard.

Source from which the question’s rationale was obtained.

Author of the question.

Start value
Minimum value of the correct answer’s range of values.

End value
Maximum value of the correct answer’s range of values.

Value range
Values in each range of values shown in the scale, among which is the correct answer.

Correct value
Value assigned as the correct answer to the question.

Grouping questions from a same subject or knowledge area. Words must be separated by space.

08. Select the Security tab.

09. Define whether the question must inherit the permissions of its parent topic.

The available options are:

Inherits permissions
When selected, determines that the permissions and restrictions assigned to the question will be the same as the parent topic. Even when the question inherits the permissions, it is possible to set other permissions or restrictions specific to it, in addition to those already inherited.

Does not inherit permissions
When selected, determines that the permissions and restrictions of the parent topic are not assigned to the question.

10. In Permissions, click Add to set the question access permissions, if desired.

11. Add the user name, user group, class or subject to which permissions will be defined.

12. In the displayed list, select the user, user group, class or discipline to which you wish to assign permissions.

13. In the level table, select the option that determines the permission level that will be assign to the selected item.

The available options are:

  • Reading;
  • Execution;
  • Writing;
  • Modification;
  • Exclusion;
  • Complete.

Find detailed information about each permission in Permissions and restrictions in the catalog.

14. Press Add.

It is possible to add more than one item. After finishing, close the window to continue the inclusion of the question.

To change an item’s permissions, select the item and press Edit.

To remove permissions for an item, select it and press Remove.

15. Select Restrictions.

16. Click Add to add question access restrictions, if desired.

17. Enter the user name, user group, class or discipline to which you wish to assign restrictions.

18. In the displayed list, select the user name, user group, class or discipline to which you wish to assign restrictions.

19. In the level table, select the option that determines the level of restriction that will be assigned to the selected item.

The available options are:

  • Reading;
  • Execution;
  • Writing;
  • Modification;
  • Exclusion;
  • Complete.

Find detailed information about each permission in Permissions and restrictions in the catalog.

20. Select Add.

It is possible to add more than one item. After finishing, close the window to continue the inclusion of the question.

To change an item’s permissions, select the item and press Edit.

To remove permissions for an item, select it and press Remove.

21. Click the Preview tab to view the question’s presentation.

22. Click Save; or Cancel to cancel the question’s creation.

After finishing the question’s registration, it is still not available to be used in evaluations. The question’s first version must be released in order for it to become available. more information is available in the alternative path Release version of scale/value question. 


Alternative Paths


Release version of scale/value question


01. In the catalog, access the topic to which the question belongs through the structure to the left of the chart.

02. In the list displayed on the chart to the right, select the scale/value question whose version will be released.

03. Press Edit.

04. Click the Versions tab.

05. In versions, select the version to be released.

06. Enter the description of the new version.

07. Click Release version.

Upon selecting this option, the released version becomes the question’s current and effective version, available for evaluations.

In addition, a notification is issued to all users responsible for creating evaluations who are using the question, informing them that a new version has been released.

Create new version of scale/value question


01. In the catalog, access the topic to which the question belongs through the structure to the left of the chart.

02. In the list displayed on the chart to the right, select the scale/value question for which a new version will be created.

03. Press Edit.

04. Click the Versions tab.

05. Click Create version.

06. Apply the desired question changes for the new version.

07. Press Save.


Cancel version of scale/value question


01. In the catalog, access the topic to which the question belongs through the structure to the left of the chart.

02. In the list displayed on the chart to the right, select the scale/value question whose version will be canceled.

03. Press Edit.

04. Click the Versions tab.

05. In versions, select the version to be canceled.

06. Click Cancel version.

Only unreleased versions can be canceled.


Revoke version of scale/value question


01. In the catalog, access the topic to which the question belongs through the structure to the left of the chart.

02. In the list displayed on the chart to the right, select the scale/value question whose version will be revoked.

03. Press Edit.

04. Click the Versions tab.

05. In Versions, select the version to be revoked.

06. Press Revoke version.

07. In the Revoke version window, enter the reason why the question version is being revoked.


To revoke a question version, the scores of all evaluations using such question will be recalculated and may increase or decrease. However, the user may choose to allow both the score’s increase or decrease or only the score’s increase for students who already performed such evaluations.

08. Define the recalculation of scores of students who already performed evaluations featuring revoked questions.

Available options:

  • Allow evaluation scores to increase or decrease;
  • Only allow evaluation scores to increase (never decreasing).

09. Click Continue.

Next, the scores of evaluations featuring revoked questions are recalculated, based on the defined recalculation method, and a notification is issued to students informing them of the revoked question and the new scores.


Deactivate scale/value question


01. In the catalog, access the topic to which the question belongs through the structure to the left of the chart.

02. In the list displayed on the chart to the right, select the essay question to be deactivated.

03. Press Inactivate.

04. In the message displayed, press Yes to confirm the question deactivation; or No to cancel the action.

Upon confirmation, a notification is sent to all users responsible for creating evaluations who are using the question, informing them of its deactivation.


Reactivate scale/value question


01. In the catalog, access the topic to which the question belongs through the structure to the left of the chart.

02. In the list displayed on the chart to the right, select the essay question to be reactivated.

03. Press Reactivate.

04. In the message displayed, press Yes to confirm the question reactivation; or No to cancel the action.


Edit scale/value question


01. In the catalog, access the topic to which the question belongs through the structure to the left of the chart.

02. In the list displayed on the chart to the right, select the essay question to be edited.

03. Press Edit.

04. Change the chosen information.

Information about the displayed fields can be obtained from the basic route.

05. Press Save or Cancel to discard the changes made, if desired.


Delete scale/value question


01. In the catalog, access the topic to which the question belongs through the structure to the left of the chart.

02. In the list displayed on the chart to the right, select the essay question to be deleted.

03. Press Remove.

04. In the message displayed, click Yes to confirm the question deletion; or No to cancel the action.


Move scale/value question


01. In the catalog, access the topic to which the question belongs through the structure on the chart to the left of the window.

02. In the listing displayed in the table to the right, select the scale/value question to be moved.

03. Press move.

04. In the item destination, press Search.

05. In the Target items window, enter the name of the location to which the scale/value question will be moved.

06. In the list displayed, select the location to which the scale/value question will be moved.

07. Press Add and close the window.

08. Press Move.

When selecting this option, the scale/value question is moved to the selected location.



Please note!

This documentation is valid from the 1.5.10 update. If you use a previous update, it may contain information different from what you see on your platform.



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