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Speaking of Configuring the Content editor widget...

The Content Editor widget allows you to customize pages and communities with the content of your choice using the formatting features available in the widget or via a source code.

In addition to having text formatting features, this widget allows you to add images and videos via a URL, from an ECM directory or by posting them.

Add images from a URL

01. Edit the page where to add the Content Editor widget.

02. Add the widget to the slot of your choice.

03. Click the icon .

04. Select the URL of the image.

05. Add the URL of the image.

06. Set an Alternative Text to be displayed in case of inaccessible content. 

07. Set Width and Height values.

08. Set Alignment. 

09. Enable the caption option. 

Add videos from a URL

01. Edit the page where to add the Content Editor widget.

02. Add the widget to the slot of your choice.

03. Click the icon .

04. Select the URL of the video.

05. Add the URL of the video. 

06. Set an Alternative Text to be displayed in case of inaccessible content. 

07. Set Width and Height values.

08. Set Alignment.

09. Enable the caption option. 

Add images from ECM

01. Edit the page where to add the Content Editor widget.

02. Add the widget to the slot of your choice.

03. Click the icon .

04. Select Image from ECM.

05. Go to the image directory.

06. Select the image of your choosing and click Select. 

Inserir vídeo a partir do ECM

01. Edit the page where to add the Content Editor widget.

02. Add the widget to the slot of your choice.

03. Click the icon .

04. Selecionar Vídeo do ECM

05. Go to the video directory.

06. Select the video of your choosing, and click Select.

Post images

01. Edit the page where to add the Content Editor widget.

02. Add the widget to the slot of your choice.

03. Click the icon .

04. Select Image from ECM.

05. Go to the directory in which to store the image.

It is not possible to add an image to the root folder in document browsing.

06. Click Send image.

07. Set whether the image is Public or Private.

When keeping the image as private, only platform users will be able to access it. When setting it as public, non-authenticated users will also be able to view it.

For more information on public documents, go to the documentation.

Post videos

01. Edit the page where to add the Content Editor widget.

02. Add the widget to the slot of your choice.

03. Click the icon .

04. Select Video from ECM.

05. Go to the directory in which to store the video.

It is not possible to add a video to the root folder in document browsing.

06. Click Send video

07. Set the video either as Public or Private.

When keeping the video as private, only platform users will be able to access it. When setting it as public, non-authenticated users will also be able to view it.

For more information on public documents, go to the documentation.


This documentation is valid as of update 1.6.4 - Waterdrop. Previous updates may contain different information than what you see on your platform.

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