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Update cycle

Greater emphasis on evolutionary updates (Update ). 

The most relevant releases are identified by a special stamp:

 Essential: Include fixes and small platform evolutions.

 Mandatory: Updates that include emergency critical fixes.

See all the details at: Platform Update

Updates (1.7.0) January 19, 2021 Updates (1.7.0)


  • Fixed inconsistency exporting personal data when selecting the option by “Data type”.
  • Fixed inconsistency when initiating a public form in Forms Beta with integration initiated by a process via startProcess.

Updates (1.7.0) January 12, 2021 Updates (1.7.0)


  • Fixed inconsistency in which the Frequency field was not shown when creating a task in the Task Scheduler.
  • Fixed inconsistency in document check-in, after performing a check-out and restarting the platform.
  • Fixed inconsistency when updating the environment to 1.7.0.
  • Adjustment applied to correctly assemble the simple dataset in Fluig environments with the 1.7. update.
  • Adjustments made to fix slow access to document browsing folders.

Updates (1.7.0) December 22, 2020 Updates (1.7.0)


  • Processed to fix issues in email sending with the Outlook email server (Office 365).
  • Fixed inconsistency sending emails with attachments in process requests.
  • Fix applied to avoid generating a code version when synchronizing datasets and to update dataset information.
  • Fix applied to ensure the timeline is displayed correctly with all posts and interactions, when accessed.
  • Fixed vulnerabilities of the Fluig platform.
  • Fixed fluig mobile to correctly load the replaced user requests list when accessing the Task central.
  • Fixed request query to view requests with the correct status when exporting.
  • Fixed the style guide add-on of the fluig calendar to correctly show the calendar format in process forms.
  • Fixed access to forms created by Forms beta, after updating to version 1.6.5 of the platform.
  • Granted permission to download attachments in process requests.
  • Fixed inconsistency regarding inclusion of theDocument add-on, in order to correctly show the description of the selected document.
  • Fixed automatic flow between activity and link.

 December 15, 2020 

New TOTVS Fluig Platform social

This month we’re launching another novelty in the Fluig Platform: the new Social. The new tool comes with a revamped look and brand new features to make the platform experience even more complete and appealing.

Increased character limit

We know how important posts are to promote news or relevant information throughout the company. That is why we have increased the character limit for posts from 700 to 10,000 characters, allowing users to promote much richer and more extensive content.

Multiple communities

Besides increasing the character limit, we also developed a new feature that will be very helpful to quickly disseminate information, which is Post in multiple communities. This new feature can be used to make sure posts reach more users at once, while also making the whole process much easier, since it will no longer be necessary to replicate the same post in each community.

    Layout of the timeline, user card, post bar, connections and updated style-guide

    We’ve updated the style-guide to make the layout of social features even more modern, softening out the interface and delivering a much smoother and more enjoyable platform browsing experience.

    With the release of the new style-guide version, some platform developments may be impacted, such as custom pages, widgets and forms.

    Cancelling requests? Yes, we can!

    Did you unintentionally send out a user or community follow request and the request has been pending for a long time? You can now reverse unwanted requests by simply clicking the Pending button and confirming the action.

    The lists of connections and communities were also revamped, and you can now easily check which connections you follow in the “Following” tab, which connections are your followers in the “Followers tab, and you can also view all of the company’s users that are not in your connections, in the “All” tab.

    In all of these lists, you can send out requests to follow users, cancel requests and view your favorite connections through the identification icon.

    New Social APIs

    In addition to all these improvements, we've also released new social APIs under the new documentation standard. Go to the api.fluig.com portal to learn about the new services available.

    Don’t forget to update your platform to make sure you get the best out of this new Social experience with fresh features that facilitate user interaction and collaboration within the company.


    • Adjustments made to fix security faults related to user data and password of the application and database of the environment.

    • Fixed request add-ons to make sure error messages are no longer shown.

    • Fixed inconsistency to ensure request add-ons are loaded correctly in the platform.

    • Fixed inconsistency in document view and search.
      To fix this issue, documents must be reindexed after the update.

    Updates (1.7.0) December 8, 2020 Updates (1.7.0)


    • Adjustment made so that you can re-assign the "user" role after deleting it when changing a page.
    • Fix applied to the notification for posting documents after approval, so that it displays the correct publisher.
    • Fix to inconsistency in recording the values in customized fields linked to document properties.
    • Adjustments made to correct the security flaws on the Icon Registration screen.
    • Fix applied when accessing Approval in order to correct the inconsistency on the task screen.

    Updates (1.7.0) December 1, 2020 Updates (1.7.0)


    • Adjustments made to address security flaws in the Oauth provider, Oauth Application, Document types, Terms and synonyms, Customized Fields, Task Scheduler, Watermark, Lists, Subjects, Areas, Applications, Roles, Groups screens, in document view, and in integration with TOTVS Identity screens.
    • Fix to inconsistency in the method removeColleague from the ECMColleagueService webservice.
    • Fix applied so that when accessing custom pages on Android 9, there are no inconsistencies and the page is displayed correctly.
    • Fix applied so there is no inconsistency when consuming API to change the form data in the Oracle database.

    Updates (1.7.0) November 24, 2020 Updates (1.7.0)


    • Fix applied to prevent the main menu from being displayed in the old language after changing the language.
    • Fix to inconsistency when accessing folders with active quota control when the platform is operating in cluster.
    • Adjustment made so that the images posted on the platform are displayed in the correct size, filling the entire screen.
    • Fix applied so when you post an image with the "Do you want to enable thumbnail generation?" option enabled or disabled, the image quality is good.
    • Fix to security flaw in processes to fix system vulnerabilities.

    Updates (1.7.0) November 17, 2020 Updates (1.7.0)


    • Adjustments made to the startup process so that the TOTVS Fluig platform is updated correctly.
    • Fix to inconsistency in the digital signature of documents and processes.
    • Fix to the EAI Console so that the integration between TOTVS RM and the LMS of the TOTVS Fluig Platform is activated correctly by upgrading the platform from 1.6.5 to 1.7.0.
    • Fix applied in the Approval app for iOS, so that the request history is displayed correctly.

    Updates (1.7.0) November 10, 2020 Updates (1.7.0)


    • Implementation of support for undefined values in constraints.
    • Fix to the routine of sending the password recovery email, to use the email sender configured for the company (if any).
    • Creation of endpoint so that you can post to multiple places, such as the timeline, and in more than one community at a time.
    • Fix to the substitute nomination, so that all user activities are displayed correctly to the substitute user.
    • Fix applied when adding a comment in the request add-on, so that the rows are automatically adjusted to the field.
    • Adjustments made to correct the security flaws in Working hours, Holidays and Locations.
    • Fix to inconsistencies in the new API-REST for handling forms in sub-indexes.

    Updates (1.7.0) November 3, 2020 Updates (1.7.0)


    • Inclusion of operating system validation in the installer, to avoid inconsistencies with the installation of the platform in Linux using Windows installer (or vice versa).
    • Fix applied so that when the first image of a post with multiple images is deleted, the other images are displayed correctly.
    • Adjustment made in the  API to return the information requested by the user, such as id, status, and id(s) of the folders where the files are stored.
    • Creation of endpoint to comment on certain posts via API.
    • Fix applied so that when attempting to delete the admin user from the community, it displays the message "Cannot delete the admin from the community." To perform this action, it is necessary to register another user as an admin.
    • Conversion of fluig version 1.5 to 1.6 in LMS in order to fix inconsistencies of the migration from ecm to fluig, which presented errors in database updates.
    • Fix to inconsistency in form completion so that it proportionally fits the screen size.
    • Fix applied in fluig mobile, so that the task central shows only the requests in progress, concerning the customer.

    Updates (1.7.0) October 27, 2020 Updates (1.7.0)


    • Adjustment made in document browsing to display an icon indicating whether the document contains attachments.
    • Adjustments made so that when posting a page with the News widget and clicking "Read all", the news displays correctly.
    • Fix to inconsistency in the configured form completion to allow you to reply more than once.
    • Adjustment made so that when using setTaskComments in process events, messages are recorded correctly with no duplicates.

    Updates (1.7.0) October 20, 2020 Updates (1.7.0)


    • Update of the API so that it is able to search a specific user.
    • Fix to inconsistency in the fluig mobile app so that Due tasks have the correct information of the request opening date.
    • Adjustment made in fluig mobile so that requests are presented according to the type of user logged in or substituted.
    • Fix applied to the exporting of Forms platform so that the records can be viewed correctly.
    • Fix to inconsistency so that when performing a query with form datasets, the values are returned correctly, with all the characters included in the constraint.

    Updates (1.7.0)October 13, 2020 Updates (1.7.0)


    • Adjustment made so that the custom favicon is displayed correctly on the screens related to the Birt report.
    • Creation of API to enable notifications of a community.
    • Creation of API to turn off notifications of a community.
    • Improvements made to the cover images of the articles so that they have a better quality.
    • Adjustment made so that you can select and play videos from the ECM within the Content Editor widgets.
    • Fix applied so that when selecting a video for the Content Editor widget, it is rendered correctly on the posted page.
    • Fix applied so that when selecting and editing a form record, deleting an option, the control event is executed.
    • Fix to inconsistency in the internal dataset document, so that it works correctly in the beforeStateEntry method when it starts automatically.
    • Fixes applied on the SQL database when using datasets in processes.

    Updates (1.7.0) October 6, 2020 Updates (1.7.0)


    • Adjustment made to address slowness in calls to webservice in environments integrated with TOTVS Identity.
    • Fix to inconsistency when confirming the checkout to edit the document contents.
    • Fix to inconsistency in the document approval history view.
    • Adjustment made in the activity form, so that the system correctly saves the auditors’ opinions.
    • Fix applied on the form so that when attaching a file to a request, a duplicate file is not generated.

    Updates (1.7.0) September 29, 2020 Updates (1.7.0)


    • Inclusion of the "Quota calculation for zeroed folders" task type in the Task Scheduler settings.
    • Fix to inconsistency, where document attachments were no longer displayed after add-ons were made to the document.
    • Fix applied so that the Delete Requests feature in the Processes menu item is displayed, making the click action visible again.
    • API released for the list of users who shared information on mobile.
    • Improved description of the error message displayed to the user when a sub-process does not open after an automatic activity.

    Updates (1.7.0) September 22, 2020 Updates (1.7.0)


    • Fix applied on the preview of questions so their description is correctly displayed during registration.
    • Layout adjustments made on the company registration screen.
    • Fix applied to address inconsistency in moving a request to a sub-process when it has a gateway.
    • Fix applied in the rich text field of the fluig 1.7 platform, so that it works correctly when used in a parent x child table.
    • Inclusion of the Justification field in the new substitute user registration.
    • Inclusion of the Justification field in the public substitute API.
    • Creation of an alert to warn users when the 500-character limit is reached in the Justification field in the registration of substitute user.
    • For the fix, the How to register the jQueryMigratePluginMode variable documentation was prepared to assist in the procedure.
    • Fix applied so that the importing of historical data is processed correctly in Analytics.
    • Adjustment made in the Timeline API so that article information is displayed in the mobile app timeline.

     September 15, 2020 

    Awesome features for improved document management!

    Watermark always

    Watermarks, which could only be applied when printing a controlled copy, can now be applied when viewing and downloading your documents. Here’s how it works: configure the watermark the way you want, and then link it in the document properties. This way, the application of the watermark becomes mandatory and the document always displays the watermark you’ve configured.

    More watermark options

    New fields have been added to the watermark configuration to better meet your needs. You can add the date the document was created or updated, the document version/review number, the current date and time, as well as the authenticated user on the platform.

      Complement document

      Your document view becomes even more detailed and complete with the possibility of complementing them. The Take Note and Redact options were added. See how it works:

      • With the Take note feature, you can add arrows and other shapes, text boxes, highlight texts in various colors, etc.
      • With the Redact feature, you can add stripes to block content that cannot be accessed by any user. Even if the user accesses general search and searches a term that has been hidden by the stripe, the search will not show the result.


        The Complement feature is displayed to users with change permission in the selected document, in the More options menu in document browsing.

        Page thumbnails

        You can now access thumbnails of your document pages in the internal viewer. The Thumbnails feature provides a section with thumbnails of all pages. You can adjust the size of the thumbnails as you wish, and you can also scroll through the full document much more quickly.

          That’s not all!

          In the document properties, the Subjects field has also been improved and now allows you to search for a specific subject. This search helps you find the record you want among numerous registered subjects.

          Another new feature is the release of a parameter in the getDocumentApprovers method. This method, which is used for obtaining document approvers, now also brings the approvers of the folder hierarchy. Just call it like this: /api/public/2.0/documents/getDocumentApprovers/{documentId}?checkInheritance=true. It’s that simple!


          • Fix applied so that the user profile picture can be changed, even if the thumbnail option is disabled for the company.
          • Fix applied in the format of the date fields returned by the listDocumentsByFolder method of the DocumentServiceRest API.
          • Fix applied so that there is no slowness when accessing datasets with large volume of data in Oracle databases.
          • Fix applied so that you can correctly register a SOAP service.
          • Fix applied so that you can correctly synchronize the dataset in the 1.7.0 environment used.
          • Fix applied so that the modals for viewing forms and articles are displayed correctly and allow the content to be viewed correctly.
          • Fix applied so that users that do not belong to a community set to private cannot view content posted on it.
          • Fix applied so that when deleting a folder in the ECM, it is no longer displayed in the platform timeline.
          • Fix applied in Flow so that when using the hAPI.publishWorkflowAttachment(docDto) method, it enables informing the regular user without getting an error in the security measures.
          • Fix applied in the Zoom field so that it works correctly after upgrading to version 1.7.
          • Fix to inconsistency that occurred when starting a process.
          • Fix applied when requesting a process, so that you can correctly attach and load the file upload bar.

          Updates (1.7.0) September 10, 2020 Updates (1.7.0)


          • Fix applied in the Zoom field so that it works correctly after upgrading to version 1.7.

           September 9, 2020 


          •  Fix to inconsistency in document view by the old platform viewer.
          • Fix to inconsistency when restoring a document inside the folder in the Recycle Bin.
          • Fix applied so that the company is not created if the platform finds an inconsistency when filling in the fields.
          • Adjustment that solved the delay in creating pages on the platform.
          • Adjustment that enabled to cancel a pending request to join a community or follow a user.
          • Fix to inconsistency in the paging of the request add-ons, which did not allow you to view the records of the pages due to slowness.

           September 1, 2020 


          • Adjustments made to prevent exporting personal data when the "My Documents" folder is disabled in the platform Parameters.
          • Fixed inconsistency when importing and exporting processes after adding permission controls in the ECMWorkflowEngineService feature.
          • Adjustments made to automatically undeploy the component by deleting files from the apps folder (repository of custom components), that is, to erase the related records, avoiding storing unnecessary data in the database.
          • Fix applied to allow adding new permissions to a widget.
          • Fix applied to display the correct number of participants of a community. Whether accessing the community through the control panel or via direct access to the community.
          • Treatment applied so that it is not necessary to disable browser extensions or use an incognito tab, no longer displaying the inconsistency of the message "Documents cannot be uploaded outside of TOTVS Fluig" on the screen.
          • Fix applied so that the full names of the processes are shown in the workflow in the fluig platform.
          • Fix applied so that when adding the custom mechanism as manager, it is possible to fully move with an admin user and a regular user.

           August 25, 2020 


          • Fix applied so that the Realtime service continues to function normally when upgrading the environment from 1.6.5 to 1.7.
          • Fixed inconsistency in quota control with folders with subfolders.
          • Adjustment made to display the number of notifications in the Approval app on devices running iOS.
          • Fix applied so that when pressing the "See more" option in an article, it is displayed in full.
          • Adjustment to the message displayed when testing the connection/edit/delete from the JDBC service, making it clearer for users to understand what happened.
          • Fix applied in viewing of users of the pooled task group.
          • Fix to inconsistency in Forms, which did not allow deleting a form record through search.
          • Fix applied in the document component in the process diagram by the fluig plugin, so that when adding this component, it is properly linked to an activity.
          • Fix applied so that when opening the task central using Internet Explorer, the user name is displayed correctly on the page.

           August 18, 2020 


          • Adjustment made to correctly present the justification of document rejection in the document properties view.
          • Fix to inconsistency when uploading files to the folder.
          • Fix to slowness in the Task central in fluig 1.7.0.
          • Fix applied on the Rich Text component in Forms, so that the paragraphs applied to the text are added correctly.
          • Fix applied so that when you start a new process or move requests, the form is not blank or unavailable.
          • Fix applied in the form rules, so that when adding a rule with filter and save, and then adding more rules with filters, are rules all recorded and registered correctly.
          • Fix applied when sending or moving a process with a form registered in fluig mobile, so that there are no inconsistencies in the form header.

           August 11, 2020 


          • Fixes applied on the layout of the Use Policy screen.
          • Fix to inconsistency in the installer, which displayed the message "Invalid byte 2 of 3-byte UTF-8 sequence" and made it impossible to upgrade to the Lake release.
          • Fix to inconsistency in the installer, when upgrading from 1.6.5 to 1.7.0 in environments with configured HTTPS.
          • Adjustments made in the delete document action, to validate whether the document to be deleted is related to another document. If so, a confirmation message will be issued and the link between documents will be deleted before the document is sent to the recycle bin.
          • Fix applied in the advanced exporting of processes in consensus, so that all individuals responsible for the activity are displayed correctly.
          • Fix to inconsistency in exporting a process in studio to make the versions 1.6.5 and 1.7.0 compatible.
          • Fix applied, making it possible to query internal datasets in advanced forms.

           August 4, 2020 


          • Fix to inconsistency in internationalization, which caused the incorrect translation of some fields.
          • Fix applied to display all comments received by the document.
          • Fix applied to the feature of reporting document comments.
          • Fix applied to the Forgot your password? feature, to send the recovery email after indicating the recipient address and pressing ENTER.
          • Fix applied, with the word Login replaced by User in the platform environment.
          • Fix applied in the widget form record, so that it correctly saves the permissions set.
          • Fix to inconsistency in exporting a process in studio to make the versions 1.6.5 and 1.7.0 compatible.
          • Fix applied when creating an intermediate signal event so that it does not present an error when updating the fluig plugin version in Eclipse.
          • Adjustments made so that when trying to access a Fluig app link with TOTVS Identity enabled, the link opens and redirects to the app.

           July 28, 2020 

          Session Replication

          As of this update, the use of Session Replication in distributed environments is discontinued.

          If you have this setting applied in your environment, turn on the Session Affinity setting again before updating.

          Follow the instructions to enable Session Affinity as shown in the documentation below:


          • Adjustments made to the domain.xml file to avoid generating the error "Unable to acquire lock after 15 seconds for key" in the log in transactions that take a long time (for example, when viewing large documents).
          • Fix to inconsistency in sending the "Forgot your password" email when the "All notifications via email" and "Default sender" options were disabled in the global email submission configuration.
          • Fix applied so that when accessing the routines to configure Gamification, these are loaded correctly.
          • Fix applied so that you can correctly export BIRT reports to the Fluig server.
          • Fix applied so that you can correctly create an RM SOAP service.
          • Translation of the options to control the display of SCORM content in LMS.
          • Fix applied in the calculation of the deadlineSpecification parameter, so that it correctly calculates the working hours deadline.
          • Fix to inconsistency so that when transferring a request with custom assignment mechanism to a group, Fluig does not display the “target user not reported” error.

           July 21, 2020 


          • Fix applied in the Document types feature, to block the delete option when linked to the document and to issue a message listing the documents linked to the selected type.
          • Fix applied to enable adding tags with special characters in the document general information section.
          • Fix to inconsistency when installing release 1.7, which affected the LDAP configuration and made it impossible to access Fluig Mobile.
          • Adjustments made to the permissions filter to correctly bring the old APIs and the APIs with parameters.
          • Update of the documentation on how to access the LMS APIs.
          • Verification made to identify when it is web and when it is mobile, so that the file is changed using the specific document.
          • Adjustments made to allow the rich editor component to support uploading files in order to create richer content in process forms.
          • Fix applied in the Approval app so that whenever the user accesses the task central and there are no tasks, SQL does not present an error.
          • Fix applied so that when a version of a process with invalid activity is released, a message is displayed to the user, informing him/her of the activity status.
          • Fix applied in the Approval app so that it does not return an error to the user whenever he/she queries the history using Oracle.

           July 14, 2020 

          Datasets are now equipped with access security

          At the end of June of this year, we launched the permission control on APIs and webservices. Continuing with security improvements, this update offers a new category of permissions: Dataset, focused on the internal datasets of the platform. To see the list of datasets that can have security configured, go to the Control Panel Platform ❙ Datasets feature, and filter by internal datasets.

          Access the documentation on Platform ❙ Permissions and Platform ❙ Permission features in APIs, datasets and webservices to learn more.


            If no changes are made to these permissions, by default the resources remain with free access. As soon as a group, role, or user is configured with the permission, only those who had the permission released have access to the feature. That does not apply to users with admin profile, who will always have access to the features.


            • Fix applied so that push notifications from the Fluig Mobile app are displayed.
            • Adjustments made to correctly return the request in the advancedSearchDocuments method of the ECMSearchDocumentService webservice.
            • Adjustment made so it will not send the email for creating a user on the TOTVS Fluig Platform when the environment is integrated with TOTVS Identity.
            • Adjustment made so that the afterDocumentPublisher event runs normally in update 1.7.
            • Deletion of the call to a depreciated API in the document view, which caused errors in the log each time a document was viewed.
            • Fix applied so that when updating a Fluig widget or layout, the changes are correctly reflected to the platform.
            • Deletion of the online meetings feature that was integrated with the old Messaging feature, which was discontinued some time ago.
            • Adjustments made so that forms are now displayed on mobile devices and can be answered.

             July 7, 2020 


            • Fix applied in the custom assignment mechanism so that it allows users to take on the activities at any time, without having to follow the order in which they were added.
            • Fix to the slowness in querying requests.
            • Adjustment made in the Log control feature, to correctly bring into the log the fields related to the server after creating the client acceptance test environment.
            • Fix to inconsistency when posting a document with a future date.
            • Fix applied when adding a document via drag and drop, so that the configuration of the expiration notification period follows the configuration made in the Control Panel Parameters.
            • Fix applied, allowing to correctly update an app through the Items page in Store. Also, change to the update process, which will now run in the background, and once the update is completed, a notification is sent to the user stating that the app has been updated.
            • Inclusion of a notice about the need to register and configure the swagger file so that operations are presented correctly, when using a REST service.
            • Adjustment made so that the rules of a form registered in the web editor are saved correctly.

             June 29, 2020 

            Greater security when accessing information!

            This improvement is an add-on to what we have already made available in this release, to enable you to comply with the General Data Protection Law (LGPD). In order to increase security when accessing information, we have a new category of permissions, which involves the Platform APIs and Webservices. Now, these items will be shown on the Permissions screen in the Control Panel, and administrators can set accesses more easily and quickly, per user, groups, or roles.

            See the brief step by step below, and access the documentation on Platform ❙ Permissions and Platform ❙ Permission features in APIs, datasets and webservices to learn more.


              If no changes are made to these permissions, by default the resources remain with free access. As soon as a group, role, or user is configured with the permission, only those who had the permission released have access to the feature. That does not apply to users with admin profile, who will always have access to the features.


              • Adjustments made so that it is possible to create a user with the same email already existing in a disabled company, since it is not possible to reactivate a company and, consequently, its users.
              • Fix to inconsistency when running the installer to apply the upgrade on Windows server.
              • Fix to the layout of the LMS resource search field so that it displays correctly when entering the desired terms.

              Updates (1.7.0) June 24, 2020 Updates (1.7.0)


              • Fix applied in Forms to fix inconsistency that occurred in the dataset query of a child table of a parent-child form.
              • Fix applied so that the Checked-out documents continue to appear in their original folder.
              • Fix to inconsistencies in the user’s first access wizard.
              • Fix applied in the login routine for the SQL Server database.
              • Inclusion of a validation to block the installation of update 1.7 when the MySQL database is in version 5.5. 
              • Adjustment made to allow the registration of services for extensive tokens, with the limit increased to 2000.
              • Adjustments made so that the platform is started correctly and all its features are displayed when updating it from 1.6.5 to 1.7.0.
              • Adjustments made so that all the information contained in the modal in the Fluig mobile app is displayed correctly, with the buttons that were configured in it.

              Updates (1.7.0) June 16, 2020 Updates (1.7.0)


              • Fix to inconsistency in folder quota control, with the default quota set to 0 (unlimited).
              • Fix applied when transferring parameters when requesting password recovery.
              • Adjustment made so that you can post an article containing a cover image.
              • Adjustment made in the "/social/community/listMyCommunitiesWithRelevanceByLogin/{login}" API to make "limit and offset" parameters non-mandatory

              • Sem rótulos