1. Overview
  2. Example of Use
    1. New Order
    2. Confirmation of Addition
  3. Filters
    1. Quick Query
    2. Advanced Filter
    3. Filter by Price List
  4. Viewing Types
    1. List
    2. Card
  5. View Details
    1. Edit Order
    2. Delete Order
    3. Generate PDF
  6. Tables
  7. Data Protection
  8. Order Comments Field
  9. Product Balance Query (Stock)
  10. Customer Order Field




TOTVS Sales Management is available from release 12.1.33 onwards.

When you access the menu option My Orders, you can Query all your Sales Orders, Add a New Order, and you can also use option View Details to Edit or Delete a Sales Order.

When a New Order is Added, Edited or Deleted, it is sent to the Protheus server which, after processing the Sales Order, Notifies the User/Sales Representative.

Sales Rep Link

Only Sales Orders linked to the Sales Representative are displayed. This link occurs through fields Sales Rep 1 (C5_VEND1) and Sales Rep Code (A3_COD).


All Sales Orders are loaded for Administrator users.

Security Key

If you do not enter the Security Key in "appserver.ini", or enter the value 0 in it, your access permissions are not validated.

For further information, click here to access the reference document of the routine.


See below a practical example of use for menu option My Orders, in which a Sales Order is added through option New Order.

a. New Order

My Orders > New Order

  1. After selecting option New Order, you can select a Customer. In this option you can search a Customer by Code, Name or EIN/SSN.

2. In tab General Data, you must fill out all required fields, such as Payment Method and Operation Type.

3. In tab Order Items, you can search a Product by its Code or Description.

a. To add a Product, search the product and fill out the fields Unit Price and Quantity, then click Add.

b. Field Unit Price is automatically filled out with the Sales Price (B1_PRV) entered in the Products register or from the Price List (DA1_PRCVEN).

c. If the Sales Representative wants to enter the Quantity and only the Total Value of the product, the Unit Price is automatically calculated.

4.  To add a discount to the Product selected, just select the option + Information and fill out the field Percentage Discount or Discount Value, then click Close.

a. If you change the Unit Price of a product the Unit Price of which is filled out automatically, a discount is calculated and added to the item selected.

b. When you add a new Product, all Product fields are set to zero and a Tag is added to the upper field, notifying that it was Selected, and a new Product is added to the session Selected Products.

c. When you use the Selected Products session, you can add a selected Product, change its Unit Price, Quantity and apply a Discount.

5. In tab Order Summary, you can query the Total Values of the Order and search all added items.

6. When you click option Save Order, the system redirects you to the screen View Details.


- To add a Sales Order with payment term of type 9, you can use the entry point GVOrdFld which enables the addition of new fields to be processed when saving a Sales Order.

b. Confirmation of Addition

1. When you add the Sales Order, the Protheus server sends a Notification to the Sales Representative/User on whether the Order was processed successfully or with error.

a. By clicking the Notification, you are directed to the Sales Order added, or to view all its notifications.

Order Status

Adding a New Order sets its Status to Open.


The page My Orders lets you to filter records two ways, as follows:


Thys type of Query performs a simplified search of the Orders. You can search by Code (Order Number), Customer Code or Date of Issue. You are required to enter at least three characters in the search field.


My Orders > Advanced Filter

We recommend this type of query for specific searches, merging fields found in option Advanced Filter. Select option Apply Filter to perform the search.


My Orders > New Order or Edit Order > Order Items

This option aims to filter products related to the price list selected in tab General Data.

If field Price List is blank, it becomes disabled and the search will fetch all products that match the filter.

The Sales Management Portal saves to memory the last field selection while the user is logged; thus, when you add or edit a Sales Order, the field will already be either enabled or disabled, depending on your last selection. If another user accesses the system, the record of the previous user's last selection is deleted. 


The filter by price list is available from the dispatch of version 1.2.0 of the Sales Management Portal.


You can use the page My Orders to select the viewing type by List (Desktop Default) or by Cards (Mobile Default).


Select the viewing type by List to view Orders in List format.


Select the viewing type by Card to view Orders in Card format.

We recommend viewing by Card for small monitors or mobile phones, in which viewing data by List may be difficult.


My Orders > View Details

Use option View Details to View a summary of the Sales Order. The options Delete Order and Edit Order are also available through option View Details.


My Orders > View Details > Edit Order

You can use option Edit Order to Edit a Sales Order.


My Orders > View Details > Delete Order

You can use option Delete Order to Delete a Sales Order.

Notification when deleting a Sales Order.

You Cannot Delete Orders with Status Released or Closed.


My Orders > View Details > Generate PDF

Use option Generate PDF to create a PDF file with all details on the order.

produtos que atendam o filtro.



To make TOTVS Sales Management compliant with the General Data Protection Law, we had to change how this routine presents its data, in order to process sensitive and/or personal data through Access Control and Audit Log.

    • Access Control

Define if the user or a group of users has the permission to access/view the sensitive personal data available in the screen of the routines and/or reports when applicable.

The System Admin is the responsible party establishing whether the information control rules will be applicable to a single user or a group of users. The configuration of the access to sensitive and personal data for users and/or user groups is available in module Configurator (SIGACFG) through accesses 192 and 193 (Accesses x Routine Relationship).

For further details on the Security Policy, click here.

    • Audit Log

Use this feature to audit updates to the Data Dictionary, to the Users Register, and to access authentications to routines with sensitive and/or personal fields, as well as the possible access rejections to such data.

For further details, refer to the Audit Rules chapter in the  Security Policy.

The Protheus® System offers some routines for Audit Log generation. You can get the procedures for configuring and generating these reports through the Log and Audit Routines.


We have created the field Order Comments (C5_COMENT) to store important data from the Order, such as: "Deliver it in the afternoon. Request signature from operation manager".


Field Order Comments will be available from the dispatch of version 1.2.0 of the Sales Management Portal and in release 12.1.2310

See below a step-by-step procedure to create the field in the data dictionary.

With exclusive access to the environment, access the Configurator module.

Access the menu Database>Dictionary>Databases.

Click to expand the company information and select the option Data Dictionary.

Click the icon Search.

The Search option is displayed. Search table SC5.

The table is displayed next to the search, as shown below. Click the line to select it.

With the line selected, click the icon Edit .

Click to expand the table information and select the option Fields.

Click the icon Add .

The Database Manager is displayed. Fill it out as shown below:

Field: C5_COMENT

Type: 2 - Character

Size: 60

Format (automatically generated): @S45

Click the tab Information and fill it out as shown below:

Title: Comment

Description: Comment

Help: The message defined is stored in the order.

Click the tab Use, select the field as Used, in accordance with the image below, and click Save.

Confirm that you are done editing the table in the icon Check.

Click Data Dictionary again and start saving through the icon Floppy Disk  . Then click the option Next until operation Finish.


Feature available from version 1.3.0 of the Sales Management Portal.

Parameter MV_PGVCSLD

To use this feature, you need to add parameter MV_PGVCSLD as specified in the technical document.

To query the balance of a product in stock, the Sales Representative must click + Information of the product desired, then click Query Stock.

The product Balance in all warehouses is displayed. 

You may disable this feature by switching the content of parameter MV_PGVCSLD to false (.F.) in the Configurator environment (SIGACFG).


Feature available from version 1.3.0 of the Sales Management Portal.

To query or handle the Customer Order (C6_PEDCLI), the Sales Representative must click '+ Information' of the product desired.