

  In this page you will meet Fluig Usage Experiences through Retail Community. 


 Access to Retail Community

After making the access to FLUIG select the company you wish to work for. Therefore, click Configurations (next to user name), select Edit Company and select the desired company. FLUIG makes possible to bind the user to several company and it can be edited at any moment by the option described above.


The community on FLUIG must be created following contexts according to the needs of each customer. For instance we create the community Retail to demonstrate usage experiences. Therefore, follow the instructions below and download the attached video. 


Next, access the Retail community to experience the usage experiences. For that, access in the toolbar the option Communities. Find the Community Retail and click on int. 

 Within the community you can experience the available experiences. 


 In this experience you can see the Product Mix Workflow Query:

  1. Products Mix

    With the Product Mix workflow, it is possible to allow the process for approval of discounts or grace for sales to take place with safety and flexibility, providing greater control of involved parties and saving the history of approval stages.

This experience provided the Menu Items, were each menu option is a link to a specific resource on the service provider (Fluig) redirecting the same value to the application provider (Protheus).

Menu items are:

  • Products
  • Margin Blocking Rules
  • Price Update
  • Competitors 

In this experience we show  the Managerial Indicators Query:

  1. Sales by Site
    Allow to measure the total amount of sales realized by the Site.
  2. Sales by Region
    Allow to measure the total amount of sales realized by the Region.
  3. Sales by Payment Method
    Allow to measure the total amount of sales realized by the Payment Method.
  4. Sales by Product Category
    Allow to measure the total amount of sales realized by the Product Category.
  5. Average Ticket
    Allow to identify the amount of the sum of sales in a specific period divided by the number of realized orders.
  6. Sales X Margin
    Allow to identify the amount of realized sales, in relation to realized profit margin.
  7. Amount Sales X Value
    Allow to identify the amount of realized sales, in relation to total values.