

The approval process of the Business Proposal aims at preventing the concession of discounts and increases below a determined percentage in the items, without authorization of the head of the sales representative in charge. In these cases, the approval request i sent through the workflow process of Fluig,  enabling the control duting the negotiation.

This routine is used by modules Customer Relationship Management (SIGACRM), Services Management (SIGATEC) and Invoicing (SIGAFAT).   


Configuring the following parameters:

Cont. Port..T.
DescriçãoIndicates whether the Workflow model through Fluig is used.
Cont. Port..T.
DescriçãoEnables the integration between the CRM and ECM routine.


Cont. Port.FATA600

Indicates the approval process used for the delivery of Workflos for Fluig.



The main benefit when using this process is the possibility to have more control in the concession of discounts and increases by the business teams, during the sales negotiations of a company.

Business Environment



Business Areas

CRM, Invoicing and Services Management

Workflow Process


Process Activities

Activity: Business Proposal Confirmation

Description: Addition of business proposal in the system.

Instruction: Register the proposal by completing all mandatory fields.

Activity: Exceeded Discounts or Additions?

Description: The system validates the values of discounts and additions entered.

Instruction: A message is displayed on screen if the value exceeds the limit allowed.

Activity: Send Workflow via Fluig

Description: The workflow is sent to Fluig.

Instruction: Access Fluig with the login of the head of the sales representative responsible for the proposal. 

Activity Area: Approved by Fluig?

Description: Defines whether the proposal is approved by Fluig.

Instruction: Access the blocked process and edit the status, indicating the approval and rejection.

Activity: Register Approval

Description: After editing the field Status, the edition must be saved. 

Instruction: Save the proposal to send return to Protheus.

Activity Area: Return Approval/Rejection

Description: The answer is sent to Protheus and the request is moved to Fluig.

Instruction: Access Protheus to check the Business Proposal status

Activity: Update Proposal

Description: The business proposal is updated in Protheus.

Instruction: The status is switched to approved and the business proposal is unblocked.

How to Use

Starting Process through Protheus

  • Access Updates/ Registers/ Sales Representative. When registering the sales representative, link it to Protheus user, then click Save.

  • Access Updates / Sales Scenario/ Sales Team. In the tab Registration, register a representative group.

  • In the tab Business, enter the maximum percentage of discount, the maximum value of discount, the maximum percentage and the maximum value of increase. Click Confirm. 

  • Access Updates/ Sales Scenario/ Structure/Sales. Create a sales structure with sales representative and head.

  • Access Updates/ CRM ADM Sales/ Opportunity. Create an opportunity as sales representative lnked to a representative group with concession of discoun or increased established. 

  • Access Updates/ CRM ADM Sales/ Opportunity/ Other Actions/ Bus. Prop. then allow discounts or increases in the proposal items.

  • The system displays a screen indicating the discount or increase limit exceeded.


  • The system displays a screen indicating the limit of discount or increase exceeded.

  • When continuing the recording, the proposal is saved and blocked. Otherwise, you can adjust the discoun to increase.

 Proposal Approval - Workarea

  • To approve the proposal in the Workarea, use the login of the head of the sales representative blocking the proposal.

  • In the Workarea of the head of the user, click Prop Bloc. Select the blocked proposal, then click Approve.

Moving and Querying Process through Fluig

      • To approve the proposal at Fluig, login with the head of the sales representabie blocking the proposal.

      • A message indicating there is no request to be approved is displayed.
      • Access the menu Tasks Central then click Tasks to Finish.

    • Select the corresponding task. Some information on the Business Proposal is displayed.

    • In the field Status, indicate whether the proposal is approved or rejected. Click Send.

    • The answer is sent to Protheus.

    • Access the Sales Opportunity in which the Business Proposal was added, then click Other Actions/Business Proposal.
    • Note the status of the business proposal was changed, then unblock it.

  • Th

How to Integrate

Query the procedures for Approve Processes at Protheus and Configure Processes at Fluig through link: Creating a new Workflow at Protheus.


We inform that it is highly important to have technical knowledge to deploy the component at Fluig. In case you need, we suggest you purchase consultancy hours to help you deploy these components. Check your TOTVS channel or Fluig Store.

All products traded and distributed at Fluig Store have as requirement the Fluig platform for proper working.

Further information on Fluig x RM integration, query: Fluig Framework.