Check out the new features available in the fluig update 1.5.10:

Do you use Microsoft SQL Server 2008?

As previously informed (on 11/28/2014 and 6/22/2016), the fluig update 1.5.10 is not compatible with the Microsoft SQL Server 2008 database. Therefore, the platform startup will be blocked in installations using this version.

If you use the SQL Server, you must update to version 2012 or greater, as described in our Portability Matrix.

For more details, see the press release issued by the fluig product Strategy team.


More convenient and safer access to external services

Platform developers and administrators now have a new option in the Control Panel to manage access and security settings for REST services, further streamlining the communication between the platform and these resources.

You can configure the authentication of external services using Basic, OAuth1 and OAuth2 protocols, in addition to testing the validity of the registered information, all in one place!

Register the client to call external services.

After the registration, test the communication with the service.

To learn more about the potential of this new feature, check the documentation that we have prepared for you in Authorization for REST Service client.


More convenience with automatic enrollments in track trainings

To speed up access to training, when enrolling to a certain track, the student is automatically enrolled in all trainings comprised in such track.

If there are requirements for any of this trainings, don't worry! The automatic enrollment will only be concluded if these requirements are also part of the trail. Otherwise, the registration will be held only in case the student already meets the requirements.

The automatic registration process is performed asynchronously so as to not affect the platform performance, that is, it will run in the background so you do not have to wait until the end of this procedure to continue using fluig. Once everything is ready, registered users will receive confirmation notifications. 


        New rules for using custom messages

Custom confirmation, warning or error messages of the Style Guide accept the inclusion of HTML codes; however, this is not a practice approved by fluig, as it can cause instability when moving requests.

        We recommend the use of the \n character for breaking lines in the texts, as well as the removal of other HTML codes in custom messages to ensure a smooth flow of movements.

For security reasons, the removal of HTML code interpretations in custom messages has already been planned. This change will soon be implemented. Therefore, we recommend you start assessing the necessary changes in your developments.

Below is an example of how to adapt line breaking in messages to the recommended standard:

function validateForm(form) {
	if (form.getValue('product_code') == 'A8973') {
		throw "Warning! \n Invalid product code. \n Please enter a new code."
function validateForm(form) {
	if (form.getValue('product_code') == 'A8973') {
		throw "Warning! \n Invalid product code. \n Please enter a new code."

Style Guide

Another way to use autocomplete

Check out our Style Guide for a new sample deployment of the Autocomplete  component using an array, without REST calls to Web Services.

Access the Autocomplete component on the Style Guide and get more detailed information.

What's New in Documentation

Check the new Online Help!

The platform Help documentation is now in the cloud. But don't worry, the path to access it is still the same: click the Settings menu at the top of the page next to the user name, select Help and that’s it!

       You will be directed to the new Online Help, a portal that brings together concepts, tips and step-by-step instructions for using platform resources. Click here to access it directly from your browser.

Use the opportunity to learn about the documentation with settings suggested for Linux servers.


This session lists some of the bugs that were fixed in this update to ensure everything runs smoothly on your platform.

Be sure to check the recommendations for development of Mobile Forms and examples for deploying the beforeSendValidate event.

Tip: Check the fluig Connect installation guide to learn how to configure fluig Connect to monitor Messaging chats from the desktop.

Access this FAQ to learn how to apply this fix in pre-existing articles. 

This fix only applies to environments using the 64-bit version of Microsoft Office.

Among the initial events, only the Initial-type common process supports input flows. Conditional, Signal, Timer and Multiple types do not support this resource. Get more information about each type on Initial Events.

If a blank expression is added to the conditions of an automatic activity, the platform takes "false" as the set expression.

The fix above does not apply to clustered platform installations

The person responsible for the activity in Pool will also be displayed on fluig Analytics, while the term "Consensus" will be shown for activities in consensus.

Assigning a joint activity for more than one Pool of users is prohibited.