Check out below the new features available in the fluig 1.6.2 update:







Access your learning tasks with a single click!

In order to streamline and make your day-to-day activities even more fluid, we have moved the learning tasks – which were previously on the platform’s Task Central — to the learning features.

Now, with just a click, you can view all your pending issues: just place the mouse on Learning and click Learning tasks. Much faster to find them, isn’t it?

Your pending tasks will be automatically transferred to the new location as you apply the 1.6.2 update to your platform.

The Learning Activities tab – which was in the Task Central – will no longer be displayed after you apply the 1.6.2 update, because learning tasks will be displayed only in the new location.





Centralized learning management

What do you think of having all management features in one place? Much quicker and more practical, right? Because that’s exactly what we did: we combined all learning management features in a single location. They were moved from the Learning tab – from the platform’s Control Panel – to: LearningManagement. All this in order to optimize and streamline your day-to-day activities. Check it out!

If you use the Elucidat  feature, you will need to update your artifact. To do so, simply follow the instructions below:

  1. After applying the 1.6.2 update to your platform, disable both Elucidat components (codes: elucidatconfiguration and elucidat) in Component Center, located in the WCM tab in the Control Panel;
  2. Download the artifact of the updated components on fluig Store;
  3. Apply the downloaded artifact in Component Center;
  4. Enable both Elucidat components (codes: elucidatconfiguration and elucidat).

Voilà! Your Elucidat feature is updated and ready for use again.

The Learning tab – which was in the Control Panel – will no longer be displayed after the 1.6.2 update is applied, since all features belonging to it will have been moved to the new location.







Course subjects and classes catalog with redesigned registrations!

Following our plan to make LMS increasingly attractive, intuitive and practical, we want to introduce the redesigned registrations of the course subjects and classes catalog. Usability and visual changes have been made so that everything is easier, faster and more enjoyable for you. Check it out!

To learn more about subject and class registrations, go to Folder, Subject, Class, Template class, Topic and the following types of topic items: URL, Training/track, Content, Evaluation, Extracurricular activity and Separate.









Define a theme for your tracks and training sessions

Now when adding a track or a training session you can assign a theme to them, that is, an area of knowledge or a subject to which they are related, for the sake of organization and classification of such items.

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Check out the new content page

Registering content is now more practical and intuitive. We have revamped the content feature for easy viewing, registration and actions. See how cool it looks!

You can import SCORM content created on the Elucidat tool in the Content feature. Cool, huh?





Where is the supporting material?

If you used to make this question often and found it hard to find supporting material available to perform class extracurricular activities, you can celebrate! Now it is simpler than ever to identify the supporting material for your activities, as we highlighted it so it is more noticeable and easier to view and download.

Learn the step-by-step to get the supporting material for an extracurricular activity and deliver the activity to the teacher.






New way of displaying the top image on your pages

From now on, in addition to choosing a custom image to customize the top of the pages according to your business’ needs, you can define how to fill the available area with the image. By default, the image will be repeated until it fills up the top of the page, but the administrator can choose to expand it until it fills the entire area.

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Where is Send comment?

The Send comment option, which was only available to administrators in the footer of the platform’s pages, will be disabled as of this update. This change, in addition to having been requested by many clients, will help load the pages faster.

But you can (and should!) also continue sharing your experiences, criticism and suggestions with us via Client Portal, the community @fluig and fluig Forum. We want to continue making fluig a more complete and essential tool for your business.



New button for easy management of your documents!

In order to improve your day-to-day routine, we introduce the New button in document browsing! The action options in the More button, which you are already familiar with, are now in a new location.

The New button was created to improve organization in document browsing.  From the root, you will find the ‘new options’ features such as:


You will find the following features:

  • Folder
  • Advanced folder
  • Form



When browsing a folder, you will see the following features in the New button:

  • Folder
  • Advanced folder
  • External document
  • Multiple posting
  • Article
  • Report
  • Application
  • Form



You can also access the New button from a folder with forms and you will find:

  • Form record
  • Form


The More button will continue being available and working perfectly with the options that best fit it


Available features:

  • Main list
  • Transfer area
  • Show priority



In folder browsing, the features available to you are as follows:

  • Delete
  • Print controlled copy
  • Download
  • Block modification
  • Filter
  • Main list
  • Transfer area
  • Show priority


This way we can sort better using document browsing features. Update your platform, start to use this new feature right now and make your day-to-day activities easier! ☺



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