In December, we launched the new social feature of the Fluig mobile app. With a fully up-to-date and clean look, Fluig mobile's new social feature provides a new browsing experience, easy access to posts, information sharing, interactions with other users, richer posts with the new limit of up to 10,000 characters per post, and more!

Access communities quickly

By clicking the Fluig mobile Social menu, right on top of the screen you will find the icon for quick access to communities; those marked as favorites are easily identified and have privileged access, as they are the first communities listed.

To view the communities in which your user participates, tap the “View All” option located above the communities’ quick access icon; this option takes the user to the Participating tab. In the All tab, users can view other communities in which they are not yet a participant.

We also have a new feature – Cancel pending requests in communities or users, where you can cancel a request made unintentionally or which has been pending acceptance for too long. Just tap the Pending button to confirm the cancellation.

Access connections quickly

We’ve also added quick access to connections, where favorite users receive icons for easy identification.

The “View All” option located on the upper right corner of the shortcut directs users to the connections screen, where you can see which users you are following through the Following tab. Users who are following you, i.e., your followers are listed in the Followers tab.

You can also view all users who are not yet your company connections through the All tab. This tab allows you to identify the users you follow, your followers, and your favorite users in this list. Here, with a few clicks, you can execute actions such as unfollow or cancel a pending request from a specific connection.

Revamped timeline

We’ve designed an entirely new timeline with a modern, clean look where you can easily view features and interactions.

Posting has become a much easier task with the pinned post bar. After viewing lots of posts and shares, you can post by simply selecting the “What do you want to post?” bar.

Some features of the old timeline are not yet available in the new version, but you can go to the app settings anytime to define which timeline you wish to use – the old one or the new one. Remember that we are working as quickly as possible to make all features available in the new timeline. (sorriso) To this, view Settings | How do I set preference settings for the account? 

By popular demand, we’ve added one of the most voted features of the collaborative Center: you can now view posts with multiple images in the mobile app timeline. (estrela)

Easier interactions

With this new version, you will also have access to some improvements such as support and comment, and users will now be able to share among other applications and follow post interactions.

Another highlight is the ability to view documents such as PDFs, PPTs and DOCs directly on the timeline without the need to download the document.

Congratulations on the app update, enjoy the new features! We are dedicated to improving your experience with our app!