Páginas filhas
  • Convert files DBF format to DTC

How to convert files of an ADS base (.dbf) to Ctree (.dtc)


Microsiga Protheus


11 and 12

Step by Step:

First, backup folders System (or Sigaadv) and Profile. Copy the services stopped to avoid to corrupt files.
1. Delete all files *.cdx, sigamat.ind and sigaadv.bmi(if any) of folder System, and files *.cdx of folder Profile

2. In the folder System, rename file sigamat.emp to sigamat.dbf and the file sigaadv.bmd (if any) to sigaadv.dbf. In the folder Profile rename file profile.usr to profile.dbf.

3) Access APSDU and follow procedure below:

- Click File / Import

  • In Origin Rdd, select DBF -
  • In Enter directory, select folder System
  • In Mask, enter *.DBF

  • Click Next

  • On the following screen, select All, then click Next.

    - In Destination Rdd, select Ctree
    - In Enter directory, select folder System
    - Click Finalize

A window with the following message is displayed "Do you want to use multi-process import?" Select Yes or No as needed.

Wait import process. Process may take a while depending on the number of companies and server.


Messages about lack of exclusive access to any table may be displayed, according to the images of the example below. In case it is a relevant table, as this backup table, you may proceed. Otherwise, quit process and grant exclusive access to the tables.


Repeat the procedure above to Profile folder.

4. In the System folder:

- Rename file sigamat.dtc to sigamat.emp

- Rename file sigaadv.dtc to sigaadv.bmd

- Remove files *.dbf

In the Profile folder:

- Rename file profile.dtc to profile.usr

5. Follow an example of file configuration appserver.ini for base in Ctree:

SourcePath=C:\TOTVS 11\apo
RootPath=C:\TOTVS 11\Protheus_Data



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