Product: | Microsiga Protheus | |
Versions: | 11 and 12 | |
Step by Step: | First, backup folders System (or Sigaadv) and Profile. Copy the services stopped to avoid to corrupt files.
- Click File / Import
A window with the following message is displayed "Do you want to use multi-process import?" Select Yes or No as needed. Wait import process. Process may take a while depending on the number of companies and server. Notification: Messages about lack of exclusive access to any table may be displayed, according to the images of the example below. In case it is a relevant table, as this backup table, you may proceed. Otherwise, quit process and grant exclusive access to the tables. Information: Repeat the procedure above to Profile folder.
- Rename file sigamat.dtc to sigamat.emp - Rename file sigaadv.dtc to sigaadv.bmd - Remove files *.dbf
- Rename file profile.dtc to profile.usr
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