Páginas filhas
  • PISCOF - Configuration of field F4_PISCRED



Field “PIS/COF Cred. (F4_PISCRED)” is located in TIO (Types of Inflow and Outflow), in tab “Taxes”, with the purpose of defining whether the item entered in the tax document is eligible for PIS/COFINS credit/debit, in the following ways:  

    • Outgoing tax documents may have debit of PIS, COFINS, both taxes or none. The configuration of field PIS/COFINS defines which of the taxes generates the debit;  
    • Incoming tax documents may have credit of PIS, COFINS, both taxes or none. The configuration of field PIS/COFINS defines which of the taxes generates the credit.


Each configuration is shown below:

              01 - Credit - Displays the values of this operation in calculation of PIS and COFINS (FISA001) with a credit operation.

              02 - Debit - Displays the values of this operation in calculation of PIS and COFINS (FISA001) with debit operations.

              03 - Do Not Calculate - In inbound and outbound documents, PIS and COFINS are not calculated.

              04 - Calculate - In inbound and outbound documents, PIS and COFINS are calculated.

              05 - Base Exclusion - Excludes ICMS from the calculation base for calculation of PIS and COFINS for decisions in res judicata.


See below the parameters required to configure the PIS and COFINS calculations:

    • MV_TXPIS - define the rate used if MV_APURPIS is set to .T.;
    • MV_TXCOFIN - define the rate used if MV_APURCOF is set to .T.;
    • MV_APURPIS - define whether the PIS rate must remain the default setting or use parameter contents;
    • MV_APURCOF - define whether the COFINS rate must remain the default setting or use parameter contents;


The system fetches the rate configuration displayed in Tax Exception, followed by the rate configuration entered in the product (SB1), then fetches them from parameters MV_TXPIS and MV_TXCOFIN. If the rates are entered in the Tax Exception and in the product, but the system needs to fetch the rates from parameters MV_TXPIS and MV_TXCOFIN, then you need to fill out parameters MV_APURPIS and MV_APURCOF.



See below some examples of interstate inflow and outflow operations, with different PIS/COF (F4_PISCRED) settings:

In the examples shown, the rate settings for PIS 1.65% and COFINS 7.6% are used for non-cumulative system companies.

04.01 Credit

Inflow TIO configuration:


PIS/COF Cred. (F4_PISCRED) = 1 - Credit

PIS Tax St. (F4_CSTPIS) = 50

COF Tax St. (F4_CSTCOF) = 50

Calculation Memory:

ICMS Value = 1,000.00 * 12% = 120.00

PIS Calculation Base = 1,000.00 * 1.65% = 16.50

COFINS Calculation Base = 1,000.00 * 7.60% = 76.00

Incoming Invoice Taxes Tab:

PIS and COFINS Calculation:

Inflow Operations:

Calculation Result:

04.02 Debit

Outflow TIO configuration:


PIS/COF Cred. (F4_PISCRED) = 2 - Debit 

PIS Tax St. (F4_CSTPIS) = 01

COF Tax St. (F4_CSTCOF) = 01

Calculation Memory:

ICMS Value = 1,000.00 * 12% = 120.00

PIS Calculation Base = 1,000.00 * 1.65% = 16.50

COFINS Calculation Base = 1,000.00 * 7.60% = 76.00

Invoice Total = 1,000.00

Financial Spreadsheet:

In the operations of the example above, the use of PIS/COF Cred. - (F4_PISCRED) = 1 Debit, indicates that those operations in the EFD Payments calculation are entered in column Composition of Debits , classified as PIS Values and COFINS Values. Any operations that may occur in the Inflow period with Credit configuration are entered in tab Composition of Credits; hence, a calculation of (Debits - Credits) is performed and the calculation generates a collection form.

PIS and COFINS Calculation:

Outflow Operations:

Calculation Result:

04.03 Do Not Calculate


Outflow TIO configuration:

PIS COFINS (F4_PISCOF) = 4 - Do Not Take Into Account

PIS/COF Cred. (F4_PISCRED) = 3 - Do Not Calculate

PIS Tax St. (F4_CSTPIS) = 07

COF Tax St. (F4_CSTCOF) = 07

Calculation Memory:

ICMS Value = 1,000.00 * 12% = 120.00

Invoice Total = 1,000.00

Financial Spreadsheet:


Inflow TIO configuration:

PIS COFINS (F4_PISCOF) = 4 - Disregard

PIS/COF Cred. (F4_PISCRED) = 3 - Do Not Calculate

PIS Tax St. (F4_CSTPIS) = 07

COF Tax St. (F4_CSTCOF) = 07

Calculation Memory:

ICMS Value = 1,000.00 * 12% = 120.00

Invoice Total = 1,000.00

Taxes Tab:

PIS and COFINS Calculation:

Outflow Operations:

Inflow Operations:

Calculation Result:

04.04 Calculate


Outflow TIO configuration:

PIS/COF Cred. (F4_PISCRED) = 4 - Calculate

PIS Tax St. (F4_CSTPIS) = 01

COF Tax St. (F4_CSTCOF) = 01

Calculation Memory:

PIS Calculation Base = 1,000.00 * 1.65% = 16.50

COFINS Calculation Base = 1,000.00 * 7.60% = 76.00

Financial Spreadsheet:

PIS and COFINS Calculation:

Outflow Operations:

Calculation Result:


Inflow TIO Configuration:

PIS/COF Cred. (F4_PISCRED) = 4 - Calculate

PIS Tax St. (F4_CSTPIS) = 50

COF Tax St. (F4_CSTCOF) = 50

Calculation Memory:

PIS Calculation Base = 1,000.00 * 1.65% = 16.50

COFINS Calculation Base = 1,000.00 * 7.60% = 76.00

Incoming Invoice Taxes Tab:

PIS and COFINS Calculation:

Inflow Operations:

Calculation Result:

04.05 Base Exclusion


Outflow TIO configuration:

PIS/COF Cred. (F4_PISCRED) = 5 - Base Exclusion 

PIS Tax St. (F4_CSTPIS) = 01

COF Tax St. (F4_CSTCOF) = 01

Calculation Memory:

ICMS Value = 1,000.00 * 12% = 120.00

PIS Calculation Base = 1,000.00 - 120.00 (ICMS Value) = 880.00 * 1.65% = 14.52

COFINS Calculation Base = 1,000.00 - 120.00 (ICMS Value) = 880.00 * 7.60% = 66.88

Invoice Total = 1,000.00

Financial Spreadsheet:

PIS and COFINS Calculation:

Outflow Operations

Calculation Result: