Páginas filhas
  • RD - Sales Indicators


  1. Overview
  2. Example of Use
  3. Screen - Sales Indicators
  4. Screen - Apply Filters
  5. Tables



TOTVS Sales Management is available from release 12.1.33 onwards.

The Home Menu allows viewing all Sales Indicators, displaying onscreen the Cards and Charts related to the Sales Order Items. Moreover, you can filter the indicators by selecting a period for the query.


See below a practical example of how to use Sales Indicators.

03. Screen - Sales Indicators

When you access TOTVS Sales Management for the first time, you must select option Apply Filters to be able to view your Sales Indicators.

Indicators Update

The Sales Indicators will be updated every time you access the Home menu.

04. Screen - Apply Filters

When you select the option Apply Filters, you can enter a Start Date and an End Date for the filter, as well as select one of the Comparison Format options, which are:


When using this comparison format, you may select a period of up to ten (10) years


When using this comparison format, you may select a period of up to twelve (12) months

Initial Date and Final Date

The system always uses the first and the last day of the months selected.


  • SC5 - Sales Orders.
  • SC6 - Sales Order Items
  • SC9 - Orders Released
  • SD2 - Invoices Sales Items
  • SF2 - Outgoing Invoices Header