The Smart TIO registration is available with the goal of facilitating and speeding up the filling of the TIO code (Type of Inflow and Outflow) in the tax documents considering rules previously registered. The advantage of using this routine is that we can configure which TIO codes will be used in certain tax documents.
The registration of Smart TIO can be accessed through the Smart TIO Routine (MATA089.PRW), in the menu Files Updates\Files\Smart TIO of the SIGAFIS module.
The registration of TIO code completion rules is linked to a transaction type code (FM_TYPE), for example: 01 - Sale of goods,02 - Simple shipment of material, 03 - Sale for final consumer etc.
Transaction type codes are registered in the DJ table of SX5, in generic tables. Each rule defined may have an outflow TIO code (FM_TS) and/or an inflow TIO code (FM_TE).
Once the type of transaction and TIO to be used is set in the rule, you will need to fill in the other fields listed below:
Field | Description |
FM_CLIENTE | Customer Code |
FM_LOJACLI | Customer Store |
FM_FORNECE | Supplier Code |
FM_LOJAFOR | Supplier Store |
FM_EST | State |
FM_GRTRIB | Taxation Group |
FM_PRODUTO | Product Code |
FM_GRPROD | Product Taxation Group |
FM_POSIPI | Product NCM |
FM_REFGRD | Grid Reference Code |
FM_TIPOMOV | Sales Order Type |
FM_GRPTI | Smart TIO Group |
FM_TIPOCLI | Customer Type |
FM_GRPCST | IPI Framing Code |
FM_CFO_O | Tax transaction outflow code |
FM_CFO_I | Tax transaction inflow code |
FM_TPCTO | Contract Type |
FM_ID | Identification of the rule |
FM_ORIGEM | Product Source |
In order to be able to register more specific rules, the Smart TIO Group (FM_GRPTI) and Customer Type (FM_TIPOCLI) fields are available. To use them, follow these steps:
All or some fields of the rule can be filled in, varying according to the customer's need. The TIO of the rule that has information that fits with the tax document will always be suggested. If any information of the rule does not fit with the tax document, this rule will be discarded. A rule having empty fields will not be discarded, provided that the other fields entered fit with the tax document.
To use this feature, the sharing of tables SF4 and SFM must be the same (exclusive or shared mode), so, when setting the TIO code that will be presented according to the rules met by the document included, it is identified within the branch defined in the two routines when exclusive, or in all files if shared. In cases where sharing between these two tables is different, it will not be possible to evaluate the rules already registered correctly, and a TIO code may be set up incorrectly.
To exemplify the filling in, let's assume the creation of a rule to suggest the TIO code 500 in sale of goods to Final Consumer in the State of Sao Paulo. We must fill in the Smart TIO rule as follows:
Rule number 1:
Type of Transaction | Outflow TIO | State | Customer Type |
01 | 500 | SP | F-Final Cons. |
When there is a tax document bookkeeping with type of transaction 1 for the State of Sao Paulousing customer classified as Final Consumer, TIO 500 will be suggested in the bookkeeping of the tax document.
Let's look at another example,Sale of Goods of the "AAAA" product, suggesting the TIO code 501.
Rule number 2:
Type of Transaction | Outflow TIO | Product Code |
01 | 501 | AAAA |
With this rule, when a Sale of Goods of Product"AAAA" is booked, TIO 501 will be suggested when entering the invoice.
The rules will be registered according to the segment and the need of each customer, and can create more specific or more generic rules.
Additional Information
The Customer Type field will be checked only for operations linked to a customer. If the invoice is linked to a Supplier, the Customer Type field will not be considered to frame the rule. To frame the participant, the FM_CLIENTE+FM_LOJACLI fields will only be checked if operations are linked to a Customer. If the operation is linked to a Supplier, then the FM_FORNECE+ FM_LOJAFOR fields are considered to frame the participant.
As the rules are registered, it is possible that there are more generic rules which may conflict with some more specific rule, as in the examples mentioned in item 02. We will consider the following scenario:
At first, the two rules would fit this situation, because both rules meet and fit in the information of the tax document in question, but the routine can suggest only one TIO. To solve this conflict, the criterion adopted will be to consider the rule that has more information framed according to the tax document.
In the example of item 02 of this document, Rule 1 has two framed information, the State and theCustomer Type, whereas Rule 2 has only one framed information, which is the Product Code. In this case, rule 1 has more information framed than rule 2, so TIO 500 will be suggested, as it is the most specific in the context of this tax document.
In this type of conflict, the suggested TIO will always be the one that belongs to the most specific rule, that is, the rule that has more information framed.
The combination of the CLIENTE+LOJA fields will be considered only as framed information, as well as the combination of FORNECEDOR+LOJA fields.
There may also be conflict of different rules registered with different fields, but with the same amount of information framed with the tax document. Below is an example of this situation:
Rule number 3
Type of Transaction | TIO | Product |
02 | 502 | BBBB |
Rule number 4
Type of Transaction | TIO | Customer |
02 | 503 | CCCC |
In a simple operation of material shipping to the Customer "CCCC" moving product "BBBB", rules 3 and 4 fall within the tax document, rule 3 framed the Product Code, and Rule 4 framed the Customer Code. Both have the same amount of information, both TIO 502 and 503 could be suggested. To solve this conflict, the system adopts the criterion of the order of more relevant/priority fields of the Smart TIO record. If the Product Code has greater relevance, then TIO 502 will be suggested; or, if the Customer Code has greater relevance, then TIO 503 will be suggested. The system has a default order of priorities, which can be changed by the customer if necessary.
To understand this order, each SFM field (excluding transaction type, inflow TIO, and outflow TIO) will have a fixed identifier, as follows:
SFM Field Identifiers - Operations with Customer
Field | Description | Identification code |
FM_PRODUTO | Product Code | 1 |
FM_GRPROD | Product Taxation Group | 2 |
FM_CLIENTE+FM_LOJACLI | Customer+Customer Store | 4 |
FM_GRTRIB | Taxation Group | 5 |
FM_EST | State | 6 |
FM_REFGRD | Grid Reference Code | 7 |
FM_GRPTI | Smart TIO Group | 8 |
FM_TIPOCLI | Customer Type | 9 |
FM_GRPCST | IPI Framing Code | 10 |
FM_TIPOMOV | Type of transaction of the sales order | 11 |
FM_ORIGEM | Product Source | 12 |
For Client-bound operations, the default system order is 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12, where each number represents a field in the SFM table, i.e. the order of priority fields is:
Where the field with the highest priority/relevance is the first from left to right, and the field with the lowest priority/relevance is the last on the right.
SFM Field Identifiers - Operations with Supplier
Field | Description | Identification code |
FM_PRODUTO | Product Code | 1 |
FM_GRPROD | Product Taxation Group | 2 |
FM_FORNECE+FM_LOJAFOR | Supplier+Supplier Store | 4 |
FM_GRTRIB | Taxation Group | 5 |
FM_EST | State | 6 |
FM_REFGRD | Grid Reference Code | 7 |
FM_GRPTI | Smart TIO Group | 8 |
FM_GRPCST | IPI Framing Code | 9 |
FM_ORIGEM | Product Source | 10 |
For operations linked with Supplier, the default system order is 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, where each number represents a field in the SFM table, i.e. the order of priority fields is:
Where the field with the highest priority/relevance is the first from left to right, and the field with the lowest priority/relevance is the last on the right.
Returning to the example of rules 3 and 4 presented in this item, considering the standard order of the system, the suggested TIO would be the 502, because the Product (identification 1) has greater relevance/priority than the Customer + Store (identification 4): 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12.
If it is necessary to change this order of fields, simply change the content of the MV_OTICLI parameter for operations with customers, and parameter MV_OTIFOR for operations with suppliers.
Also in this example, if we want to change the default priority order of the system, giving higher priority to the Customer instead of the product, we must fill in the MV_OTICLI parameter as follows: {4,1,2,3,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12}.
Note that the Customer +Store Identifier(4) is the first of the order. In this case, the suggested TIO would be 503, as the Customer has greater relevance than the Product. The same procedure is valid for the MV_OTIFOR parameter for the operations linked to the supplier.
If, for any reason, the priority order of the fields defined by the customer does not break this rule conflict, the tie will be made in the default order of the system.
The TIO will be returned after filling in a given field depending on the operation being performed, such as issue of sale order, issue of purchase order, incoming invoice, etc. These fields can be viewed in the list below, as well as the fields that are used as parameters for defining the Smart TIO rule:
Table | Table Title | Trigger Field | Parameters |
SC6 | Sales Order Items | C6_OPER | C5_CLIENT, C5_LOJAENT, C6_PRODUTO, C6_TES |
SC7 | Purchase Req. / Delivery Aut. | C7_OPER | C7_OPER, C7_FORNECE, C7_LOJA, C7_PRODUTO, C7_TES |
SCY | Purchase Order History | CY_OPER | CY_OPER, C7_FORNECE, C7_LOJA, CY_PRODUTO, CY_TES |
SD1 | Incoming Invoice Items | D1_OPER | D1_OPER, C7_FORNECE, C7_LOJA, D1_COD, D1_TES, F1_EST |
VVA | Vehicle Departure Items | VVA_OPER | VVA_OPER, VV0_CODCLI, VV0_LOJA, (VVA_CHAINT or VV1_CHAINT) |
DBJ | Purchase Center Parameters | DBJ_TPOPER | DBJ_TPOPER |
All fields that participate in the desired rule (fields that are in the "Parameters" column in the table above) must be filled in before the field that triggers the rule (Field found in the "Trigger Field " column of the table above), so that the rule is loaded correctly.
If it is necessary to change any field that is a parameter with the intention that another rule is selected, it is also necessary to delete and populate the Trigger field again so that the rule is loaded correctly.