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Speaking of Multi-Factor Authentication...

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) provides an additional layer of security in accessing TOTVS Identity by requiring a code (electronic key) generated in the My Safe id application (documentation in Portuguese language) or other authenticator application of your choice. This code must be entered by the user on the Identity login page to release access to the account, after authentication via email and password.

Assuming that only the person has access to the device – and therefore to the code – malicious agents will be barred, even if they know what the password is, because they do not have the code generated by the authenticator application. In addition, to prevent reuse, the code is automatically replaced every 30 seconds.

Multi-factor authentication in Identity is defined by groups: it can be configured as required for the desired groups. When you make it required, users in these groups must configure multi-factor authentication on the next access. The MFA setting will be optional for the other groups.

Multi-factor authentication, even if enabled for the group, will not be required in the following situations:
  • Authentication via CAS is enabled in the Identity company.
  • Authentication is performed by the My Fluig application on a TOTVS Fluig Platform installation with more than one registered company.

When enabling required MFA in the enterprise, everyone will need to authenticate via interface. If there are any integrations that are logging in via API, this feature will not be supported, and the integration will stop working.

Manage multi-factor authentication in groups

01. Click the Settings icon in the upper-right corner and select the Security option.

02Access the Multi-factor Authentication feature.

03. Locate the group for which you want to view the MFA configuration.

04. In the row corresponding to the group, click Enable  or Disable  located in the Multi-factor authentication required? column to change your configuration.

When you enter Yes, multi-factor authentication is required for access by users in this group. By entering No, authentication is optional, and each user in the group can choose to use MFA to authenticate to the company in Identity.

05. If you are enabling MFA as required, enter your password in the confirmation message. If you have disabled it, you will need to provide a justification in addition to the password.

After activating the feature in the group settings, users must configure MFA in their accounts via the Security option (documentation in Portuguese language)

By enabling multi-factor authentication as a required feature, all users in the group who do not already have MFA configured will be asked to configure it, so the activation instructions will be displayed on the screen when they next access the system.

Both enabling and disabling the group's MFA feature is recorded in the history and can be consulted in the Multifactor authentication management report (documentation in Portuguese language).

Search groups

01. In the search field, enter the name of the group you want to search for.

Searching using this field is automatic: when typing, only the groups with the text entered will be kept in the list. 

Filter groups

01. In the filter, select the groups you want to view.

By default, all groups are brought in, but you can filter only by those defined as required MFA or optional MFA.