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How to create a process in ECM using Microsiga Protheus

Processes can be created in ECM through the tool itself. Below we describe how to accomplish that using Microsiga Protheus customization.

In order to create a process from Microsiga Protheus, we can use the WF Wizard from the configurator module, or create a customization. 

Below we describe how to create using a customization

  1. Configure the integration for the workflow between Protheus and ECM in the Configurator, in the Environment > Totvs ECM > WF Wizard option
  2. Use the FWECMProcess function to create and/or update the process in ECM, as shown below:


#include "totvs.ch"

User Function ProcCliente()

Local cProcessId := "CLIENT"

Local cDescription := "Customer file"

Local cInstruction := "Process use instructions"

Local nFormId := 22 // card index id added to ECM in previous step

Local aStates := Array(4,6) // process activities in sequence for automatic flow creation

Local aEvents := Array(1,2) // events that will be customized for the process

Local aProperties := Array(1,2) // properties that will be used in process event scripts

Local aError


aStates[1][1] := "Start" // activity

aStates[1][2] := "" // description

aStates[1][3] := "" // instructions

aStates[1][4] := 60 // conclusion deadline in seconds

aStates[1][5] := 0 // assignment mechanism (zero for none, 1 for group or 2 for user)

aStates[1][6] := "" // group or user code in ECM in case the assignment mechanism is different from zero


aStates[2][1] := "Review" // activity

aStates[2][2] := "Review of customer file" // description

aStates[2][3] := "Review file information" // instructions

aStates[2][4] := 60 // conclusion deadline in seconds

aStates[2][5] := 0 // assignment mechanism (zero for none, 1 for group or 2 for user)

aStates[2][6] := "" // group or user code in ECM in case the assignment mechanism is different from zero


aStates[3][1] := "End" // activity

aStates[3][2] := "Confirm file" // description

aStates[3][3] := "" // instructions

aStates[3][4] := 60 // conclusion deadline in seconds

aStates[3][5] := 0 // assignment mechanism (zero for none, 1 for group or 2 for user)

aStates[3][6] := "" // group or user code in ECM in case the assignment mechanism is different from zero


aEvents[1][1] := "beforeTaskSave"

// JavaScript language script

aEvents[1][2] := 'function beforeTaskSave(colleagueId,nextSequenceId,userList){'+;

'var A1_COD = hAPI.getCardValue("A1_COD");'+;

'if (A1_COD == ""){'+;

'   throw "Code field is mandatory"'+;




aProperties[1][1] := "TABLE" // property name

aProperties[1][2] := "SA1" // value


FWECMProcess(cProcessId, cDescription, cInstruction, nFormId, aStates, aEvents, aProperties)

If FWWFIsError()

   aError := FWWFGetError()



   MsgInfo("Process updated successfully")



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