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Configure Datasul 11 application on TOTVS Fluig Platform

In order to execute EMS programs, it is necessary to configure the Adapter and the Application.



Registering the Adapter

First, it is necessary to register an adapter using the file Dtsul11Adapter.jar. For such, it is necessary to add a new adapter and on the JAR File inform:  



The Adapter functionality is available on the Control Panel menu, Documents tab.


Registering the application

After registering the adapter, it is necessary to create the application that will execute Datasul 11.

Click on add and inform the application code and description, select the Datasul 11 adapter and in the command line field, inform any character (in the example below, a full stop “.” was informed), since the screen is validated if there is information in the Command Line field. If there is nothing informed, it will not allow the user to add the application.


It is also necessary to add five parameters in the Parameters table in the application registration. To include a parameter, just click on Add.

Registered parameters must be configured according to the following table:



Variable per User

Password Format


You must enter the server name or IP




Inform the port of communication with the server




Inform the user code in Datasul 11.




Inform the user password in Datasul 11.




Inform the dialect for error message display. Possible values: "PT" (Portuguese), "EN" (English), "ES" (Spanish)

Optional. If not informed, the standard dialect (PT) will be assumed




The parameters must be with the coed exactly as shown in column Table parameter above, respecting capitalization.


Publishing an Application

In order to configure a program in Datasul 11, it is necessary to publish a new application under a folder.


The EMS application previously configured must be selected, and in the Parameter field, the constant “Program:” must be informed, plus the Datasul program path that will be executed. Example:



 Publishing the application, a link will be created on the selected folder. When clicking on the link, the program informed in the application parameters will be open.


Configuring the variable parameters


Since some parameters are variables, each user must access the User Preferences and configure these parameters. 

For example the dialect, if the user is probably Argentinian, he will probably prefer Spanish.

He may also wish to have a specific user in Datasul 11 as a preference, as shown below: