Árvore de páginas


In this page you will meet available Indicator routines on the product lines from the Retail segment.


Query NameQuery DescriptionProtheus LineDatasul LineLogix LineRM Line
Sales by Site

Allow to measure the total amount of sales realized by the Site.

Sales by RegionAllow to measure the total amount of sales realized by the Region.XXXX
Sales by Payment MethodAllow to measure the total amount of sales realized by the Payment Method.XXXX
Sales by Product CategoryAllow to measure the total amount of sales realized by the Product Category.XXXX
Average TicketAllow to identify the amount of the sum of sales in a specific period divided by the number of realized orders.XXXX
Sales X MarginAllow to identify the amount of realized sales, in relation to realized profit margin.XXXX
Amount Sales X ValueAllow to identify the amount of realized sales, in relation to total values.XXXX

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