Árvore de páginas

Import may be configured so that process form data are sent to Fluig Analytics.

To configure the import, you will need the process code and the fields for the form that will be sent.



Fluig Analytics allows up to 10 customized fields to be sent for each workflow request.

Preparing process form data import

  1. In the folder where analytics-import.jar is located, create the conf directory
  2. Create the descriptor file (formato txt) with the process code within the conf folder
    E.g.: RH.txt
  3. Edit the descriptor file and add the desired fields (according to the name attribute of the form) that must be sent to Analytics


Workflow process form
<input type="text" name="NomeParticipante">
<input type="text" name="CPFParticipande">
Sample Descriptor File - RH.txt

In this sample, the data sent to Analytics will be available in the fields solicitacaoCustom0 and solicitacaoCustom1.

Importing form data between different versions of the process

If different versions of the process have different form fields, you can create specific descriptor files for each version of the process.

To do so, add a "_" and the version to the descriptor file name (.txt):

E.g.: RH_2.txt 

In this example, only the fields of the HR process will be mapped in version 2.

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