Árvore de páginas



The objective of this guide is to make it easier to understand how to use the FTP protocol for posting documents on TOTVS Fluig Platform.

Procedures for FTP protocol use

Follow the step by step: 

  1. Locate the standalone.xml file that is in <Installation Directory >/jboss/standalone/configuration and open it in edit mode.
  2. Change the value of the port that will be used for the FTP protocol. By default TOTVS Fluig Platform uses the value 21.

    <simple name="java:global/webdesk/FTPPort" value="21"/>
  3. Start the Fluig service.

  4. Access the FTP protocol from the tool of your choice. In this example we used the FileZilla software.

    1. Host: enter the server address, without the http connection port. Example: localhost.

    2. Username: enter the login of the Fluig user. 

    3. Password: enter the password of the Fluig user.

    4. Port: enter the port configured in item 2.

  5. Using the FTP protocol, upload the desired file to the server.

  6. After performing the upload to the server, the file is available on the server in the user’s upload directory, waiting to be posted.



Configuring passive ports on FTP

When there is the need to restrict the ports for the transfer of files, simply add the following line in the standalone.xml file, just below the line of the item 2 of this document:

<simple name="java:global/webdesk/FTPPortRange" value="10000-10005"/>

In the value, you can enter a port, a group of ports or a range of ports.


Value Description
0 Any available port is used as the passive port.
123 Port 123 will be used as the passive port.
123,133 Ports 123 and 133 will be used as passive ports.
123-125 Any port in a 123-125 range will be used as the passive port.
123-125, 127, 129-130 Any port in a 123-125 range, port 127 or in the 129-130 range will be used as the passive port.