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DescriptionTypeFeature namePermission options

Page and widget of the Tracks and training Learning settings feature – belonging to the Manage item, which, in turn, belongs to the Learning item in the main menu – that display the available track and training settings.PAGETracks and training settings -pagetrainingtrackconfigurationFor details, go to Page permission options.
WIDGETTracks and training settingsFor details, go to Widget permission options.


DescriptionTypeFeature namePermission options

Page and widget of the Accounts feature – belonging to the Manage item, which, in turn, belongs to the Learning item in the main menu – that display the accounts and actions that can be performed on them.PAGEAccounts - pageaccountsapp__lms__learning__accountsFor details, go to Page permission options.
WIDGETAccountsFor details, go to Widget permission options.
Specific permissions for account management actions.LMSACCLearning - Account management
  • Read: when enabled, allows viewing the accounts for which the user is responsible. Users who have this option enabled can view the Statement option, which allows them to create statements for the accounts for which they are responsible.
  • Read all: when enabled, allows users to view all available accounts, regardless of whether they are responsible for them. Users who have this option enabled can view the Statement option, which allows them to create statements for any account.
  • Add credits: when enabled, allows users to add credits to Credit accounts regardless of whether they are responsible for them or not, that is, depending on what was defined in the Read and Read all options. Users who have this option enabled can view the Add credits option on the accounts page.
  • Save: when enabled, allows adding and editing accounts. Users who have this option enabled can view the New and Edit options on the accounts page.
  • Deactivate: when enabled, allows users to deactivate accounts regardless of whether they are responsible for them or not, that is, depending on what was defined in the Read and Read all options. Users who have this option enabled can view the Deactivate option on the accounts page. 
  • Reactivate: when enabled, allows users to reactivate accounts regardless of whether they are responsible for them or not, that is, depending on what was defined in the Read and Read all options. Users who have this option enabled can view the Reactivate option on the accounts page.
  • Delete: when enabled, allows users to delete accounts regardless of whether they are responsible for them or not, that is, depending on what was defined in the Read and Read all options. Users who have this option enabled can view the Delete option on the accounts page.
