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DescriptionTypeFeature namePermission options

Page and widget of the Accounts feature – belonging to the Manage item, which, in turn, belongs to the Learning item in the main menu – that display the accounts and actions that can be performed on them.PAGEAccounts - app__lms__learning__accountsFor details, go to Page permission options.
WIDGETAccountsFor details, go to Widget permission options.
Specific permissions for account management actions.LMSACCLearning - Account management
  • Read: when enabled, allows viewing the accounts for which the user is responsible. Users who have this option enabled can view the Statement option, which allows them to create statements for the accounts for which they are responsible.
  • Read all: when enabled, allows users to view all available accounts, regardless of whether they are responsible for them. Users who have this option enabled can view the Statement option, which allows them to create statements for any account.
  • Add credits: when enabled, allows users to add credits to Credit accounts regardless of whether they are responsible for them or not, that is, depending on what was defined in the Read and Read all options. Users who have this option enabled can view the Add credits option on the accounts page.
  • Save: when enabled, allows adding and editing accounts. Users who have this option enabled can view the New and Edit options on the accounts page.
  • Deactivate: when enabled, allows users to deactivate accounts regardless of whether they are responsible for them or not, that is, depending on what was defined in the Read and Read all options. Users who have this option enabled can view the Deactivate option on the accounts page. 
  • Reactivate: when enabled, allows users to reactivate accounts regardless of whether they are responsible for them or not, that is, depending on what was defined in the Read and Read all options. Users who have this option enabled can view the Reactivate option on the accounts page.
  • Delete: when enabled, allows users to delete accounts regardless of whether they are responsible for them or not, that is, depending on what was defined in the Read and Read all options. Users who have this option enabled can view the Delete option on the accounts page.


EAI Console
DescriptionTypeFeature namePermission options

Image AddedImage Removed

Page and widget of the AMS Settings EAI Console feature – belonging to the Manage item, which, in turn, belongs to the Learning item in the main menu – that display the settings for integration with AMSEAI Console settings.PAGEAMS settings EAI Console - pageconfigurationamspageconsoleeaiFor details, go to Page permission options.
WIDGETConfigure AMSEAI ConsoleFor details, go to Widget permission options.
Specific permission for enabling an AMS server so that its evaluations are used in learning items.LMSCONFLearning - Global and local settingspermissions for EAI message management actions.
LMSEAILearning - EAI
  • AccessAMS server: when enabled, allows enabling an AMS server for the company. Users who have this option enabled can view the Save and Delete options in the AMS settings feature.


  • managing the EAI console. Even if the user has permission to view both the page and the widget, if this option is not enabled, they cannot view the console, that is, the feature is displayed as blank.


DescriptionTypeFeature namePermission options

Image Added Image Removed

Page and widget of the EAI Console Notifications feature – belonging to the Manage item, which, in turn, belongs to the Learning item in the main menu – that display EAI Console settingsthe notifications and actions that can be performed on them.PAGEEAI Console Notifications - pageconsoleeaipageadvicesFor details, go to Page permission options.
WIDGETEAI ConsoleNotificationsFor details, go to Widget permission options.
Specific permissions for EAI message notification management actions.LMSEAILMSADVLearning - EAINotification management
  • AccessRead: when enabled, allows managing the EAI consoleviewing the list of available notifications. Even if the user has permission to view both the page and the widget, if this option is not enabled, they cannot view the consolerecords, that is, the feature is displayed as blank.


  • if no notification were available. 
  • Save: when enabled, allows adding and editing notifications. Users who have this option enabled can view the New and Edit options on the notifications page.
  • Delete: when enabled, allows deleting available notifications. Users who have this option enabled can view the Delete option on the notifications page.


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DescriptionTypeFeature namePermission options

Image Added

Page and widget of the Events feature – belonging to the Learning item in the main menu – that display the events and
DescriptionTypeFeature namePermission options
Page and widget of the Notifications feature – belonging to the Learning item in the main menu – that display the notifications and actions that can be performed on them.PAGENotifications Eventos - pageadvicespageeventsFor details, go to Page permission options.
WIDGETNotificationsEventosFor details, go to Widget permission options.
Specific permissions for notification management actions.LMSADVLearning - Notification management
  • Read: when enabled, allows viewing the list of available notifications. Even if the user has permission to view both the page and the widget, if this option is not enabled, they cannot view the records, that is, the feature is displayed as if no notification were available. 
  • Save: when enabled, allows adding and editing notifications. Users who have this option enabled can view the New and Edit options on the notifications page.
  • Delete: when enabled, allows deleting available notifications. Users who have this option enabled can view the Delete option on the notifications page.



DescriptionTypeFeature namePermission options

Image Added

Page and widget of the Schedule feature – belonging to the Learning item in the main menu – that display the schedule and actions that can be performed on it.PAGESchedule - pagescheduleFor details, go to Page permission options.
ScheduleFor details, go to Widget permission options.


Image Removed and widget of the Events feature – – that display the events and actions that can be performed on them
DescriptionDescriptionTypeFeature namePermission options
Image Added
Page that groups the features from the Registrations item belonging to the Learning item in the main menu.PAGEEventos - pageeventsRegistrations - app__lms__learning__enrollmentsFor details, go to Page permission options.
WIDGETEventosFor details, go to Widget permission options.


Registration management
Image Removed
DescriptionTypeFeature namePermission options

Image Added

Page and widget of for the Schedule Registration management feature – belonging to the Registrations item, which, in turn, belongs to the Learning item in the main menu – that display the schedule and actions that can be performed on itallow performing actions on registrations.PAGESchedule - pagescheduleRegistration management - app__lms__learning__enrollments__manageFor details, go to Page permission options.
WIDGETScheduleRegistration managementFor details, go to Widget permission options.



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Registration management


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  • Cancel registrations in training courses/tracks: when enabled, allows users to cancel their own registration in training courses and tracks that are part of the learning plan. Users who have this option enabled can view the Cancel registration option, both in their own learning plan and in the items in which they are registered, which were viewed from the catalog.
  • Cancel registration in classes: when enabled, allows users to cancel their own registration in classes that are part of the learning plan. Users who have this option enabled can view the Cancel registration option, both in their own learning plan and in the classes in which they are registered, which were viewed from the catalog.
  • Register all users: when enabled, allows registering other users in training courses, tracks and classes available in the catalog. Users who have this option enabled can view the Register users option in the catalog items and the Register tab in the Registration management feature.
  • Cancel registrations: when enabled, allows canceling other users’ registrations in classes, tracks and training courses - batch or individual registrations.



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  • Create history of performed registrations via API: when enabled, allows creating a registration record – via API – for a user who completed a track, training course or class on another learning platform, since this item is not registered in the learning catalogs, thus allowing the student to have their complete history.
Specific permissions for actions related to registering users.
LMSENCLearning - Registrations
  • Cancel registrations in training courses/tracks: when enabled, allows users to cancel their own registration in training courses and tracks that are part of the learning plan. Users who have this option enabled can view the Cancel registration option, both in their own learning plan and in the items in which they are registered, which were viewed from the catalog.
  • Cancel registration in classes: when enabled, allows users to cancel their own registration in classes that are part of the learning plan. Users who have this option enabled can view the Cancel registration option, both in their own learning plan and in the classes in which they are registered, which were viewed from the catalog.
  • Register all users: when enabled, allows registering other users in training courses, tracks and classes available in the catalog. Users who have this option enabled can view the Register users option in the catalog items and the Register tab in the Registration management feature.
  • Cancel registrations: when enabled, allows canceling other users’ registrations in classes, tracks and training courses - batch or individual registrations.
Specific permission for managing registered students.LMSENRLearning - Registration management

Image Added

Specific permission for creating registration records via API.LMSHISLearning - Registration history
  • Create history of performed registrations via API: when enabled, allows creating a registration record – via API – for a user who completed a track, training course or class on another learning platform, since this item is not registered in the learning catalogs, thus allowing the student to have their complete history.

Change registration status
Change registration status


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  • Status: when enabled, allows changing registration status in classes. The user who has this option enabled is qualified to be defined as the one responsible for changing the status of registrations in the subject or class registration and can view the options Edit – to edit the student score –, Pass student, Fail student and Cancel registration on the page where they can change the status of the registrations.


DescriptionTypeFeature namePermission options

Image RemovedImage Added

Page and widget of the End classes Change registration status feature – belonging to the Registrations item, which, in turn, belongs to the Learning item in the main menu – menu– that display the classes that have not yet finished and are under the responsibility of the authenticated userstatus of the registrations and actions that can be performed on them.PAGEEnd classes - pagefinishclassesChange of registration status - pageenrollchangestatusFor details, go to Page permission options.
WIDGETEnd classChange registration statusFor details, go to Widget permission options.
Specific permission for manually ending classesregistration status management.LMSMFNLMSMENLearning - Manually ending classesChange of registration status
  • StatusAccess: when enabled, allows ending classes manually, that is, the changing registration status in classes. The user who has this permission option enabled is qualified to be defined as the one responsible for ending classes manually changing the status of registrations in the subject or class registration and can view the End class option options Edit – to edit the student score –, Pass student, Fail student and Cancel registration on the page where they can end classes.

Evaluation features

The evaluation pages, widgets and specific permissions are listed as follows.

Evaluations menu


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Page from the Evaluations item in the main menu, where evaluation features are grouped.


  • change the status of the registrations.

End class


DescriptionTypeFeature namePermission options

Image AddedImage Removed

Page and widget of the Evaluations End classes feature – belonging to the Registrations item, which, in turn, belongs to the Evaluations Learning item in the main menu – that display the evaluations and actions that can be performed on themclasses that have not yet finished and are under the responsibility of the authenticated user.PAGEEvaluations End classes - pageassessmentspagefinishclassesFor details, go to Page permission options.
WIDGETEvaluationsEnd classFor details, go to Widget permission options.
Specific permissions for evaluation management actionspermission for manually ending classes.LMSGEALMSMFNEvaluations - Evaluation managementLearning - Manually ending classes
  • Access
  • Read: when enabled, allows viewing the list of available evaluations. Even if the user has permission to view both the page and the widget, if this option is not enabled, they cannot view the records, that is, the feature is displayed as if no evaluation were available. 
  • Save: when enabled, allows adding and editing evaluations. Users who have this option enabled can view the New and Edit options on the evaluations page.
  • Delete: when enabled, allows deleting available evaluations. Users who have this option enabled can view the Delete option on the evaluations page.


  • ending classes manually, that is, the user who has this permission enabled is qualified to be defined as the one responsible for ending classes manually in the subject or class registration and can view the End class option on the page where they can end classes.

Evaluation features

The evaluation pages, widgets and specific permissions are listed as follows.

Evaluations menu

DescriptionTypeFeature namePermission options

Image RemovedImage Added


that groups the features

from the

External evaluations item belonging to the

Evaluations item in the main menu, where evaluation features are grouped.

PAGEExternal evaluations Evaluations menu - pageamspageassessmentFor details, go to Page permission options.



DescriptionTypeFeature namePermission options

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Image Removed   

Page and widget of the AMS Evaluations feature – belonging to the External evaluations item, which, in turn, belongs to the Evaluation item Evaluations item in the main menu – that display the evaluations imported from an AMS server and the actions that can be performed on them.PAGEAMS Evaluations - pageassessmentamspageassessmentsFor details, go to Page permission options.
WIDGETAMS evaluationsEvaluationsFor details, go to Widget permission options.
Specific permission for managing external evaluations from the AMS server that has been configured for the company.permissions for evaluation management actions.LMSGEALMSEXAEvaluations - External evaluation Evaluation management
  • AccessRead: when enabled, allows managing the evaluations from the AMS within learning. Users who have this option enabled can view the options Filter,  Add, Detail, Update and Delete when managing AMS evaluations.
AMS Statistics
  • , allows viewing the list of available evaluations. Even if the user has permission to view both the page and the widget, if this option is not enabled, they cannot view the records, that is, the feature is displayed as if no evaluation were available. 
  • Save: when enabled, allows adding and editing evaluations. Users who have this option enabled can view the New and Edit options on the evaluations page.
  • Delete: when enabled, allows deleting available evaluations. Users who have this option enabled can view the Delete option on the evaluations page
DescriptionTypeFeature namePermission options

Image Removed

Page and widget of the AMS Statistics feature – belonging to the External evaluations item, which, in turn, belongs to the Evaluation item in the main menu – that display the statistics on administering external evaluations to classes, tracks and training courses.PAGEAMS Statistics - pagestatisticsamsFor details, go to Page permission options.
WIDGETAMS statisticsFor details, go to Widget permission options
  • .


DescriptionTypeFeature namePermission options

Page and widget of the Blocks feature – belonging to the Evaluations item in the main menu – that display the question blocks that can be reused and the actions that can be performed on them.PAGEBlocks - pageblocksFor details, go to Page permission options.
WIDGETBlocksFor details, go to Widget permission options.
Specific permissions for question block management actions.LMSBLOEvaluations - Block management
  • Read: when enabled, allows viewing the list of available question blocks. Even if the user has permission to view both the page and the widget, if this option is not enabled, they cannot view the records, that is, the feature is displayed as if no question block were available. 
  • Save: when enabled, allows adding and editing blocks. Users who have this option enabled can view the New and Edit options on the blocks page.
  • Delete: when enabled, allows deleting available blocks. Users who have this option enabled can view the Delete option on the blocks page.
