Dictionaries Implemented File: FWP - Collection Letter Table | Description |
Acronym | FWP | Name | Collection Letters | Mod. Ac. Branch | Exclusive | Mod. Ac. Unit | Exclusive | Mod. Ac. Company | Exclusive | Single key | FWP_FILIAL+FWP_CODCRT |
Index | Key |
Field | FWP_FILIAL | Type | Character | Size | 8 | Description | System Branch | Bill | Branch | Picture | @! | Field Group | 033 | Field Help | System Branch |
Field | FWP_CODCRT | Type | Character | Size | 6 | Description | Layout code | Bill | Layout Code | Picture | @! | Field Help | Set the collection letter layout code. |
Field | FWP_DESCRI | Type | Character | Size | 40 | Description | Layout description | Bill | Description | Picture | @! | Field Help | Set the collection letter layout description. This description will be displayed in the routine for sending collection letters and in the report of outgoing collection notices. |
Field | FWP_STATUS | Type | Character | Size | 1 | Description | Layout status | Bill | Status | Picture | @! | Validation | Belong("12") | Options List | 1=Active; 2=Inactive | Field Help | Defines whether the collection letter layout is active or inactive. Only active layouts can be sent on collection. |
Field | FWP_TXTSAU | Type | Character | Size | 60 | Description | Greeting Text | Bill | Greeting | Field Help | Greeting text to be sent in the collection letter. The greeting text represents the opening of the letter. Example: "Dear customer". |
Field | FWP_TXTCRT | Type | Memo | Length | 500 | Description | Letter text | Bill | Letter Txt | Field Help | The text entered in this field is the text that will be sent in the body of the letter containing the content of the collection. |
Field | FWP_TXTCON | Type | Memo | Length | 500 | Description | Conclusion text | Bill | Conclusion | Field Help | The conclusion text, if informed, will be sent at the end of the letter, as a complement to the collection made or with additional information. |
Field | FWP_ENVIO | Type | Character | Size | 1 | Description | Submission type | Bill | Subm Tp | Picture | @! | Options List | 1=E-mail;2=Physical Letter;3=Both | Validation | Belong("123") | Field Help | Collection letter submission type. Options are: E-mail - the letters will be sent to the e-mail registered in the customer registration; Physical letter - the letter will be physically sent, i.e., a printed version will be sent directly to the customer; Both - the letter will be sent in both ways. |
Field | FWP_POSVER | Type | Numeric | Size | 4 | Description | Address' vertical pos | Bill | Vertical Pos | Picture | @E 9999 | Field Help | Initial vertical position for the address in pixels. This field is only enabled when the layout's submission method is set to "Physical letter" or "Both". |
Field | FWP_POSHOR | Type | Numeric | Size | 4 | Description | Address' Horizontal P | Bill | Horizontal P | Picture | @E 9999 | Field Help | Initial horizontal position for the address in pixels. This field is only enabled when the layout's submission method is set to "Physical letter" or "Both". |
File: FWQ – Submission Rules
Table | Description |
Acronym | FWQ | Name | Submission Rules | Mod. Ac. Branch | Exclusive | Mod. Ac. Unit | Exclusive | Mod. Ac. Company | Exclusive | Single key | FWQ_FILIAL+FWQ_LAYOUT |
Index | Key | 01 | FWQ_FILIAL+FWQ_LAYOUT |
Field | FWQ_FILIAL | Type | Character | Size | 8 | Description | System Branch | Title | Branch | Picture | @! | Field Group | 033 | Field Help | System Branch |
Field | FWQ_LAYOUT | Type | Character | Size | 6 | Description | Layout code | Title | Layout Cd | Picture | @! | Field Help | Code of the Collection Letter layout |
Field | FWQ_FILTRA | Type | Character | Size | 254 | Description | Exp for additional filters | Title | Expression | Picture | @! | Field Help | Filter expression that will be used to filter the bills that can be selected for collection in the Collection Submission routine. The expression will be built based on fields from the Bills Receivable table. |
File: FWS – Bills' Data
Table | Description |
Acronym | FWS | Name | Bills' Data | Mod. Ac. Branch | Exclusive | Mod. Ac. Unit | Exclusive | Mod. Ac. Company | Exclusive | Single key | FWS_FILIAL+FWS_LAYOUT+FWS_CAMPO |
Index | Key |
Field | FWS_FILIAL | Type | Character | Size | 8 | Description | System branch | Title | Branch | Picture | @! | Field Group | 033 | Field Help | System Branch |
Field | FWS_LAYOUT | Type | Character | Size | 6 | Description | Layout code | Title | Layout Code | Picture | @! | Field Help | Layout code |
Field | FWS_SEQ | Type | Character | Size | 4 | Description | Fields Sequence | Title | Sequence | Picture | @! | Field Help | This field stores the writing sequence for the fields that will be displayed in the letter sent by e-mail. |
Field | FWS_CAMPO | Type | Character | Size | 10 | Description | Bill field | Title | Field | Picture | @! | Field Help | The field that will be displayed in the body of the collection letter. |
Field | FWS_DESCRI | Type | Character | Size | 15 | Description | Field Description | Title | Description | Field Help | Description of the field that will be presented in the collection letter. If the description is blank, the field's default description will be used. |
File: FWT – Letters Sent
Table | Description |
Acronym | FWT | Name | Letters Sent | Mod. Ac. Branch | Exclusive | Mod. Ac. Unit | Exclusive | Mod. Ac. Company | Exclusive | Single key | FWT_FILIAL+FWT_LAYOUT+FWT_PROCES+FWT_CHAVE |
Index | Key |
Field | FWT_LAYOUT | Type | Character | Size | 6 | Description | Layout code | Title | Layout Code | Picture | @! | Field Help | Layout code |
Field | FWT_DTENVI | Type | Date | Size | 8 | Description | Sending date | Title | Sending Dt | Field Help | Sending date of the Collection Letter |
Field | FWT_CHAVE | Type | Character | Size | 32 | Description | Document Key | Title | Key | Picture | @! | Field Help | The key of the bill that was sent in the collection letter |
Field | FWT_PROCES | Type | Character | Size | 32 | Description | Process Number | Title | Process | Picture | @! | Field Help | The number of the process in which the collection letter was sent. |
Field | FWT_DTREFE | Type | Date | Size | 8 | Description | Reference Date | Title | Reference Dt. | Field Help | The reference date for correcting values |
Question Group (SX1): FINR810
X1_ORDEM | 01 | X1_PERGUNT | Collection letter from | X1_TIPO | Character | X1_TAMANHO | 6 | X1_GSC | Get | X1_VAR01 | MV_PAR01 | X1_F3 | FWP | X1_HELP | This defines the initial range for the collection letter layout. |
X1_ORDEM | 02 | X1_PERGUNT | Collection letter to | X1_TIPO | Character | X1_TAMANHO | 6 | X1_GSC | Get | X1_VAR01 | MV_PAR02 | X1_F3 | FWP | X1_HELP | This defines the final range for the collection letter layout. |
X1_ORDEM | 03 | X1_PERGUNT | Sending date from | X1_TIPO | Date | X1_TAMANHO | 8 | X1_GSC | Get | X1_VAR01 | MV_PAR03 | X1_HELP | Define the initial date of the range of collections sent. |
X1_ORDEM | 04 | X1_PERGUNT | Sending date to | X1_TIPO | Date | X1_TAMANHO | 8 | X1_GSC | Get | X1_VAR01 | MV_PAR04 | X1_HELP | Define the final date of the range of collections sent. |
X1_ORDEM | 05 | X1_PERGUNT | Customer from | X1_TIPO | Character | X1_TAMANHO | 6 | X1_GSC | Get | X1_VAR01 | MV_PAR05 | X1_F3 | SA1 | X1_GRPSXG | 001 | X1_HELP | Define the initial Customer from the range. |
X1_ORDEM | 06 | X1_PERGUNT | Store From | X1_TIPO | Character | X1_TAMANHO | 2 | X1_GSC | Get | X1_VAR01 | MV_PAR06 | X1_GRPSXG | 002 | X1_HELP | Define the initial store from the range. |
X1_ORDEM | 07 | X1_PERGUNT | Customer to | X1_TIPO | Character | X1_TAMANHO | 6 | X1_GSC | Get | X1_VAR01 | MV_PAR07 | X1_F3 | SA1 | X1_GRPSXG | 001 | X1_HELP | Define the final Customer from the range. |
X1_ORDEM | 08 | X1_PERGUNT | Store to | X1_TIPO | Character | X1_TAMANHO | 2 | X1_GSC | Get | X1_VAR01 | MV_PAR08 | X1_GRPSXG | 002 | X1_HELP | Define the final store from the range. |
X1_ORDEM | 09 | X1_PERGUNT | Print | X1_TIPO | Character | X1_TAMANHO | 1 | X1_GSC | Combo | X1_VAR01 | MV_PAR09 | X1_DEF01 | Detailed | X1_DEF02 | Summarized | X1_HELP | Defines whether the report will be printed in detailed format (with the complete letter, containing the texts and other details) or in summarized format (with only the records sent on the collection and their breaks). |
Standard Query (SXB): FWP
Description | Collection Letters | Type | Standard Query | List | FWP | Index | Code | Field | Code;Description | Return | FWP_CODCRT |