Árvore de páginas

Versões comparadas


  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.


DescriptionTypeFeature namePermission options

Main List item page of the Documents menu, which generates a list containing all of the folder’s documents, optionally including subfolder content.PAGE WIDGETLista mestra - ecmnavigation#For more details, go to Page permission options and Permission options in widgets.

Page and widget of the Controlled copy feature – in the More dropdown menu for controlled document printing.PAGE WIDGETCópia controlada - ecmnavigation#For more details, go to Page permission options and Permission options in widgets.

Download action – in the More dropdown menu, which allows downloading platform documents, generating a .zip file in the My Documents folder to download the file into the user directory.ECMDownload - ecmnavigation#For more details, go to Page permission options

Remove action – in the More dropdown menu. Allows deleting documents and sending them to the bin.ECMRemover - ecmnavigation#For more details, go to Page permission options

Show priority action – in the More dropdown menu. Allows showing/hiding the established document priority.ECMMostrar prioridade - ecmnavigation#For more details, go to Page permission options

Page and widget of the Block modification feature – in the More dropdown menu. Allows block modification of information shared across multiple documents.PAGE WIDGETAlteração em bloco - ecmnavigation#For more details, go to Page permission options and Permission options in widgets.

Transfer area feature page – in the More dropdown menu. Drag-and-drop transferring for posts to take effect.ECM PAGEÁrea de transferência - ecmnavigation#For more details, go to Page permission options


DescriptionTypeFeature namePermission options

Page for the Favorites item from the main menu, where favorite documents, processes, users and communities are grouped.PAGEFavoritos - principalfovoritesFor details, go to Page permission options.

Page and widget for the Favorite documents feature – belonging to the Favorites item from the main menu – which allows viewing the communities and users defined as favorites.PAGEDocumentos favoritos - pagefavorites

For details, go to Page permission options.

WIDGETDocumentos FavoritosFor details, go to Widget permission options.

Page and widget for the History feature – belonging to the Favorites item from the main menu – which allows viewing the documents viewed by the user.PAGEHistórico - pageaccesslogFor details, go to Page permission options.
WIDGETHistóricoFor details, go to Widget permission options.

Separate widgets – ECM

DescriptionTypeFeature namePermission options

Widget of the Popular Documents feature – shows the most accessed documents in the platform.WIDGETECM - Documentos popularesFor more details, go to Permission options in widgets.

Widget of the List Dataset Records feature – shows dataset records in two pages or communities.WIDGETECM - Listar registros de DatasetsFor more details, go to Permission options in widgets.
