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  • CIDE - Contribution for Intervention in the Economic Domain (FINA050 - SIGAFIN)

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Contribution for Intervention in the Economic Domain is collected from both legal entities and natural people.


This charge levies on agreements that have as objective technical services and administrative (and similar) assistance that will be rendered by foreign residents or domiciled, as well as legal entities that pay, credit, deliver, employ or remit royalties to beneficiaries who are foreign resident and domiciled .



Where to find legal documents


Law 10,332, dated December 19, 2001


Establishes contribution for economic intervention to finance the Incentive Program of University-Company Interaction to Support Innovation, besides other actions.                     
Changed by the law  10,332 from December 19, 2001.
Changed by the law  11,452 from December 27, 2007.

Image ModifiedImportant:

All suppliers registered in Suppliers and under CIDE payment must have the Collect CIDE field configured with Yes.

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