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Initial Parameters: The initial parameters will allow you to filter which customers, the due date range, amount, collection status, branches, bills still to fall due, and to determine the interest and fine calculation date that will be considered for sending the collection letters. It is possible to complement the filters in a customized way; to do this, an entry point (F811QRY see details in the entry points section of this document) must be implemented to allow complementing the query that will consider the default parameters. Layout selection: You will be presented with a list of the registered collection letter layouts so that you can select which layout will be used for sending. Only one collection letter layout can be sent at a time. Customer Selection: A list of customers who meet the filter criteria will be presented, so that they can be selected to send the collection letter. All of them will be displayed on screen as selected. Bill selection: The selection process of the bills that will compose the collection letter follows the criteria defined and suggested in the sending of the letters. You can also send bills that are to be due. This means adding them as a reminder, not as a dunning. They will be suggested but can be removed from the letter if desired. It is important to note that with the implementation of the Collection Status Block (see {+}http://tdn.totvs.com/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=381044073+), the bills in a collection status with block set up for the collection letters will not be available in this e-mail sending process. Therefore, they will not be listed for selection. To perform this blocking, a new standard process will be added to the existing ones, and it will be validated at each submission. In addition, a title is eligible for sending letters as long as it still has an outstanding balance. |
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1 - On 03/01/2015, an email was sent with the bills below for the collection, considering due dates more than 10 days late:
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Routine: FINA811 - Collection Letter Layout Each letter sent will be defined according to the collection content, that is, you can include a text of certain content for different collection types. To this end, ways of configuring the text of the letters and associating them with certain rules will be made available via registration. Only customer characteristics will be available for validation in combination with the from/to filter. If not required, it can be kept blank, so that letters can be sent to any customer. The letters obey the filters informed in the sending routine, validating the data of the associated client, to the content of the letter. This configuration can use customized fields for its composition. As for the listing of bills, the columns that are considered the default are below:
There will be the possibility of adding or removing new columns, as long as they are part of the bill receivable (SE1), considering that, because it is an e-mail and/or physical letter, there may be some kind of restriction on the amount of information contained in the letter/sheet. Regardless of the shipping method selected, email, physical, or both, the letter will contain at the top the shipping data such as the customer's name and address. The address used will be the billing address contained in the customer's record. If this address is blank, the shipment will be sent to the customer's address. In the letter layout, you can set the alignment of the customer's address at the top of the letter. - Typing the record header where the sending method is defined, the texts (main letter, greeting and conclusion), as well as the address position (for printed letters). - In the footer, there are 2 tabs where you define the fields of the accounts receivable (table SE1) that will be shown in the letter (bill number, amount, due date, etc.), as well as the custom sending rules. In this field, you must enter an expression like the browse filters in Protheus. The Customers Table (SA1) is selected. |
of E1_
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Dictionaries Implemented
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For the correct execution of routine *FINA811{*}, you must enter the function parameters as below: *nOpcAuto{*} = This parameter is not in use at the moment, send value 0. *a811Param{*} = This array must receive the desired filter for selecting records and sending the collection letters. All records returned by the filter will have a collection letter generated. Example: a811Param[01] := From customer code (character type) a811Param[02] := From customer store (character type) a811Param[03] := To customer code (character type) a811Param[04] := To customer store (character type) a811Param[05] := From issue date (date type) a811Param[06] := To issue date (date type) a811Param[07] := Reference date (date type) a811Param[08] := From value (numeric type) a811Param[09] := To value (numeric type) a811Param[10] := "2" (character type) - IMPORTANT: ALWAYS 2 TO PREVENT DISPLAYING THE BRANCH SELECTION SCREEN a811Param[11] := Bills due (character type, "1" = Yes or "2" = No) a811Param[12] := Consider value (character type, "1" = Total or "2" = Balance) a811Param[13] :="2" (character type) - IMPORTANT: ALWAYS 2 TO PREVENT DISPLAYING THE COLLECTION STATUS SELECTION SCREEN a811Param[14] := {} (array type) - IMPORTANT: SEND EMPTY ARRAY a811Param[15] := "" (character type) - IMPORTANT: ALWAYS EMPTY a811Param[16] := Letter layout code to be used (character type) a811Param[17] := Consider blocked customers (A1_MSBLQL) in the filter. Content "1" to consider blocked customers, or "2" to consider only active customers |