Árvore de páginas

Versões comparadas


  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.
  • Areas: For platform, area is any company department to which document printed controlled copies are intended. The area registration is important because it offers total control and traceability if issued copies.
  • Subjects: The use of Subject is a search method, a qualifier. The subject should be associated to the Document Published and to the Users. When a certain document is published, it is associated to the subject that covers it and the user that subscribes this subject receives a notification about the publication/edition of a document with a subject of their preference.
  • Customizes fields: The Customized Fields function is nothing more that the customization of fields in the general information of a folder or document. In the folder and document general information, you can add new fields. These fields can receive predefined values or you can enter them in the creation of folders or documents.
  • Import and export pages: This feature allows exporting a page or set of pages that can later be imported into the platform or exported from one server to another without having to download files. With this feature, platform enables, for example, the structuring of a page with widgets, security, layout among others - and carrying out tests, checking the functionalities and the browse in platform test environment.
  • Lists: are dynamic tables, one table is composed by one or more fields, so a LIST is a customized table aiming at storing several data types. They are also used to store data of forms created by new process requests or by a form creation through its definition that is published in the Documents area.
  • Watermark: For the platform, a watermark is a text to be applied on a document, enabling the control of printed documents.
  • My pages: The pages are composed by layouts that have several slots and, for each layout slot, it is possible to add a widget. So it is possible to create customized pages with widgets that better serve the users. The pages will be available for viewing by pressing them in platform main menu and through a direct URL to the page, respecting the authentication permissions defined in the page creation.
  • Theme: The platform provides two distinct themes for the administrator to choose from and contains specific options to customize each one of them. The classic theme, applied by default to new installations on the platform, has a traditional design while the liquid theme has a more modern, fluid design.
  • E-mail templates: The "E-mail Template" function allows you to add new e-mail formats (templates) to the standard product. This way, the notifications sent by Workflow are more flexible and they contain more specific information, defined by the user. To add a new email template, just access the Control Panel, in the General tab, click on “Email Templates,” and then click the "Add" button.
  • Terms and synonyms: In the terms registration, you only need to register the irrelevant terms and the terms that should have synonyms. All other terms that are no registered as irrelevant will be automatically considered for indexation and search for documents by content. The synonyms are considered in the indexation and search for documents by contents. They allow searches to be done by terms that are not explicitly mentioned in the documents, but that are equivalent.
  • Document types: The information registered in this function has the objective of identifying the document types published in the platform. In the platform, some standard types are associated with a file extension. If a new document is created and no type is added manually, platform identifies the type and it automatically associates the standard type to the document.
  • User hour value: The User Hour Value corresponds to the cost per hour of a user, that is, the value paid per hour to this user.

titlePlease note!

This documentation is valid from the 1.6.5 - Liquid. If you use a previous update, it may contain information different from what you see on your platform

  • Communities: This feature allows you to add, enable or disable communities, define the relationship clouds in which the community will be inserted, as well as permission to perform various actions in the community.
  • Users' invition: This feature allows sending e-mail invitations to individuals, encouraging them to join the platform. They can be sent via a list of e-mails or through a CSV file
  • Reports: The report feature allows you to manage the reports made by users in the social features. With this feature, you can follow complaints made and take a decision about them; you may revoke or file them. In addition to this, you can follow who is the user who received the most reports and the users that most reported.
  • Working hours: The working hours correspond to the time when the company is in business, that is, the regular working hours. The working hours are considered in the deadline calculation for conclusion of process tasks. Hence it is possible to ensure the deadlines are consumed in the times the company is in activity.
  • Holidays: Holiday registration defines the dates when the company is closed. This registration works as a supplement to the information regarding the company’s working hours. When calculating the deadline to complete process tasks, fluig considers the registered holidays, preventing dates with no working hours to be considered in the deadline calculation.
  • Groups: If it is necessary to relate user with the group, by means of this function, it is necessary that users are already properly registered. This registration is effected in Users, located on the General tab of the control panel. The user Group is intended to identify and gather in groups users who have the same interests and goals. This meeting of users into groups makes it easy to define access permissions to the various functions of the product.
  • Locations: Location registration allows registration of different locations, each one meeting a specific need. Used as a holiday registration add-on, it helps ensure that each location has its holiday, regardless of its region or time zone. To associate a holiday to a location, see the Holidays documentation and learn how to create it.

