Versões comparadas


  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.


<!-- esconder o menu --> 

div.theme-default .ia-splitter #main {
    margin-left: 0px;
.ia-fixed-sidebar, .ia-splitter-left {
    display: none;
#main {
    padding-left: 10px;
    padding-right: 10px;
    overflow-x: hidden;

.aui-header-primary .aui-nav,  .aui-page-panel {
    margin-left: 0px !important;
.aui-header-primary .aui-nav {
    margin-left: 0px !important;

titleRisk Alert

Be careful when using the configuration parameter with the key "Security=0" because, that way, integrations (APIs) will not require authentication. Consequently, data from your environment can be queried without any authorization control.