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  • API Configuration Wizard (FINA893)

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titleTOTVS Instant Payment (TPI)

Screen 1 - Choice Product

Screen 2 - Information

Screen 3 - Tenant Credentials

In this screen, it will be necessary to enter the Tenant, User, Password, External Code of the Business Unit, and the Point of Sale code registered in RAAS.

For further information about the RAAS configuration, refer to: TOTVS Digital Payments

Screen 4 - Connection Validation

Screen 5 - TOTVS PIX

In this screen, you will need to enter Bank, Bank Branch, and Account.

Screen 7 6 - Schedule

When you advance this screen, a schedule will be automatically set up in the logged-in branch.

Screen 8 7 - Process Ending

titleBanco do Brasil

Setting up the environment, account, certificate, and webhook

Updates>>Banking Commun. >>PIX API Wizard

Click the menu >> Banco do Brasil

Step 1, welcome screen.

Click Next. 

Step 2, selection of accounts.

In this step, we can select one or more accounts. For our example, only one account will be selected. After you check/select the accounts you want to set up, click the Next button.

Step 3, connection credentials.

In this step, the connection, production, or staging environment andconnection credentials will be configured.

After filling out the fields, click Next.

If the connection credentials have been filled correctly, the following screen appears:


Defines whether the PIX collection record will be performed in a test environment or a real environment of the financial institution (Banco do Brasil). 

Connection credentials

Username and password provided by Banco do Brasil and authorized to generate access token to the API services/resource.

User (Client ID)

Public and unique identifier in the authorization protocol (OAuth) of Banco do Brasil.

Password (Client Secret) A password known only for your application and the authorization server.

Application Key The credential required to trigger Banco do Brasil APIs

Step 4, certificate.

This step is mandatory for the production environment only. For the staging environment, these fields are not available for editing because Banco do Brasil does not require certification in a test environment.

In this step, the names and extensions of the certificate public key and certificate files will be configured. The files must have the .pem extension.

After completing the key and certificate fields, click Next.


Step 5, webhook

In this step, the return address (URL) of the webhook will be configured.When filling out the webhook address, Banco do Brasil is responsible for notifying us when a PIX collection occurs, and, automatically, the bill will be posted on Protheus. When it is not filled in, the Protheus application is responsible for asking Banco do Brasil through the execution of JOB/Schedule (FINA892) if there is any PIX receipt, and, if any, the system identifies the bill in the financial and automatically performs the posting.

After filling or not, click the Next button.

Step 6, wizard completion screen.
Click Complete. 
