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Check out the new features available in the Fluig 1.4.11 update:


Public API version 2.0! 

Some of Fluig’s Public API methods were developed to return standard data, including “content” and “message”. These methods are available in the same location as the Public API, but separated by version 2 (v2).

Example: “/wcm/version” and “/wcm/version/v2”.

The methods that received a new version are listed below: 


If you already use any of these methods, don’t worry: no changes in apps developed for Fluig are required, since the original methods were not modified.

Due adjustments are required to use the methods of the new public API version.

Rest assured, your old methods will continue to work - they will not be discontinued at this time. However, we recommend using the new methods to develop apps for Fluig.


Schedule the deletion of temporary files 

Users can now define when temporary Fluig server directory files must be deleted to free up disk space. For such, simply create a Clear Temporary Document Files task in the Task Scheduler and define the deletion frequency for temporary document files.


This feature can be used in case of a high daily volume of document uploads in the platform.


Update task lists when necessary 

Users can now updated task lists shown in each Task Central tab. Simply select the Update option, located in the action bar, to update all displayed requests. 



Access to document details in the controlled copy

      Users can now access more document details when creating controlled copies, using the new variables available:

  • Webdesk.Revision: document review;
  • Webdesk.Comments: comments;
  • Webdesk.VersionDescription: version description;
  • Webdesk.Tag: document tags.

Learn more

More details available in Controlled Copy Printing.


Check document approval from datasets 

It is much easier to create document approval reports in this Fluig version. The “DocumentApprovalHistory” dataset is now available, allowing users to check the approval history and related data.

got interested?

More details on the new dataset in Internal Fluig Datasets.



This session lists a few bugs we fixed in this update to make sure that everything runs smoothly on your platform. 

  • Use of the “ç” character in folder properties tags. 
  • Execution of scheduled tasks created by Fluig Studio and exported to Fluig when the execution frequency is ‘day of month’. 
  • Movement of Timer activity under execution after creating a new version of its respective process. 
  • Movement of workflow when the Inclusive Gateway component is used and no conditions are met. 
  • Definition of rules for check box-type field options in process forms. 
  • Viewing images uploaded into articles posted in communities. 
  • Movement of requests with expired automatic flow. 
  • Display of inconsistency messages when users are authenticated in the platform with no inconsistencies. 
  • Movement of requests with forms after completing the forms and posting form record data in document browsing. 
  • Configuration of widget settings inserted in community pages. 
  • Display of the Edit option only for posted files supported by Fluig and editable. 
  • Inclusion of galleries, images and videos in communities by users who are not members and have writing permission. 
  • Content search in documents not compressed in .zip format. 

More details on the new dataset in Internal Fluig Datasets.  

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