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Confira abaixo as novidades na atualização 1.5.3 do fluig:


Version control of CSS and JS files of the platform

We have improved the way the platform loads your CSS and JS files. Now version control is used to ensure that, when updating the platform to a new version, JS and CSS files that are already in the browser cache are also updated, avoiding inconsistencies by using older versions of these files.

Learn more

For fluig platform developers we also created a technique to update components without relying on the browser's cache. Learn more about Cache busting and use it now in your developments.


Realtime with support for Load balancer

Now you can configure fluig Realtime in Load balancer. The configuration file enables Realtime in scale in conjunction with redis, enabling communication between multiple instances. So, the processing is distributed, reducing bottlenecks and consequently improving the response to the user. And in the event of a server failure, Realtime keeps running on another server in a transparent way.

If not used, nodejs chat service in the configuration file can be interrupted, reducing consumption of unnecessary features.




Have lost the connection while sending a large file? Continue uploads from where you were with Connect

Performing upload of large files became more practical and dynamic. With fluig Connect you have control of uploads. You can pause the progress and continue later, when you want, without having to wait for the completion of an upload from the upload queue. Also, if you lost the connection while sending large files, fluig Connect will continue from where you were, making file delivery faster and cheaper.

Update procedure

Update fluig Connect to take advantage of this new feature is very simple, just download the updated media in the customer portal and follow the instructions.




More Learning and Evaluation datasets

This update brings new learning and evaluation datasets that you can use in your forms, portals and reports. Check out the complete list below:

More information

For more information about datasets see fluig internal Datasets.

Examples of Use

Click here to check out some examples of reports using the new datasets.


Enroll several students in classes or training in groups!

 Grouping in fluig are great and you already use them for many things. You asked for it and we delivered. Now you can register all persons who belong to a group in training or classes at once. Just like that: simple and easy!

To do so, simply access the feature Register users and select one or more groups to be enrolled.



Export your Messaging history

As you know, Messaging is always evolving. Often conversations are so important that they need to be saved as meeting minutes or agreements. Thinking about it, now you can export the messaging history by the export method in the API and SDK Javascript.

More details

Visit fluig Component Messaging and check out more details about this new possibility.



It is necessary to re-index the content so that the search will consider private publications information.




Search for images for publication

We have changed the command to deploy of fluig artifacts to solve the inconsistency related to search images for publication. Now it first starts all fluig standard artifacts, then the artifacts developed on the platform.

Pay attention!

If the widgets developed on the platform present inconsistency when starting fluig, it is possible that there is conflict with the libraries used. To solve this issue, refer to Avoiding fluig dependency conflict on How to create a widget for content search.


New widgets available: check your ERP in fluig

Fluig has two new widgets that will allow you to view ERPs using the new Framework HTML technology:

    • ERP application: allows the use of full pages of ERP;
    • Container ERP: allows you to include ERP widgets on fluig pages, enabling the creation of panels or to add pages, and can display information such as a community.

Currently, TOTVS ERPs don't display such routines, but by updating fluig 1.5.3 you will be ready to run ERP routines directly on fluig!

Learn more




In this session, we have listed a few bugs that we fixed in this update to make sure everything runs smoothly on your platform.

  • Display users when moving a request if a mechanism for user group assignment is set.

  • Print controlled copy of documents when using the internal viewer and Internet Explorer version 11.

  • More information

    For more information about application user, please visit fluig API.

  • Duplication of "monitor.war" artifacts that prevented access to the platform Home, showing an inconsistency.




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